Import-Export Bulletin Board Jiangsu Sinocoredrill Exploration Equipment Co., L Logo

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Contact: Amelia Yang
Company: Jiangsu Sinocoredrill Exploration Equipment Co., L
No.122, Xizhang Road, Gushan Town Industrial Park
Jiangyin 214413
Phone: +86 180 5193 0311
E-Mail: Send Inquiry 1st year
Date/Time:  8/13/24 2:54 GMT

Wireline Core Barrel Head assembly

The Wireline Core Barrel Head assembly provides: latching and pivoting
spearpoint mechanisms to allow insertion and retrieval of the inner tube
assembly, a bearing assembly to allow the inner tube to remain stationary and
avoid sample damage while drilling, fluid pressure operating indications and
fluid control valves.
All head assemblies incorporate a shut off valve assembly which provides a
fluid pressure signal to the drill operator when the valve members are
compressed, indicating a full or blocked inner tube.
Sinocoredrill head assembly features long life span, good compatibility with
parts like inner tube and outer tube from other vendors, and availability in
all spare parts.
Wireline double core barrel consists of:
1. Head Assembly
2. Inner Tube: 1.5m or 3.0m
3. Stop Ring
4. Core Lifter
5. Core Lifter Case
6. Locking Coupling
7. Adapter Coupling
8. Landing Ring
9. Outer Tube: 1.5m or 3.0m
Wireline Core Barrel Head assembly
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SOURCE: Import-Export Bulletin Board (
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