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Contact: metwarebio
Company: Metware Biotechnology Co., Ltd
Building C2-3 No. 666 Gaoxin Avenue, East Lake New Technology Development Zone, Wuhan
hubei 200333
Phone: 027-65520430
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Date/Time:  1/2/24 8:44 GMT

Untargeted Metabolomics

What Is Untargeted Metabolomics?

HomeMetabolomics ServicesGlobal Metabolite ProfilingUntargeted Metabolomics
untargeted metabolomics service

The LC-MS untargeted metabolomics is used for unbiased detection of metabolites
in samples by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry and to obtain their
qualitative and quantitative information. Untargeted metabolomics data
analysis, also known as nontargeted metabolomics analysis, entails comparing
the metabolomes of control and test groups to pinpoint distinctions in their
metabolite profiles that could be pertinent to specific biological conditions.

Technology Introduction
The main application of lcms metabolomics is for comparing the case group with
the control group to find the metabolites and metabolic pathways that show
significant differences between groups, which can provide clues and directions
for the untargeted metabolomics research in biomarker development, disease
pathogenesis, and drug treatment mechanisms.

Technical Features of Untargeted Metabolomics Service

Large Curated Database
Collected ultra-high sensitinity data of over 280,000 metabolites. Each sample
can typically identify 1500-3000 metabolites.

Comprehensive Identification Strategy
A comprehensive identification of metabolites was performed using four
qualitative methods:

Matching to in-house standard database;

Matching to integrated public database;

Matching to AI database;

Identify using the metDNA algorithm.

Rigorous Quality Control
A mature quality control system monitoring all aspects of experimentation from
sample preparetion to data collection.
Why Untargeted Metabolomics Service Is Used?
Genes will tell you what may happen, metabolites tell you what is happening or
has happened (Bill Lasley) Metabolomics is the qualitative and quantitative
assessment of metabolites (small chemical molecules<1.5 kda). The metabolites
are the downstream product of protein activity as well as the result of
interactions with environmental exposures, and thus they are closely related to
the phenotype. Over the last decade, metabolomics is coming to the forefront as
a powerful tool for understanding disease mechanisms. and identifying
biomarkers, and has great potential for clinical translation.

As a preeminent metabolomics company with a well-equipped metabolomics
laboratory, we provide cutting-edge metabolomics services through scientific
metabolomics test and analysis. As a preeminent metabolomics company with a
well-equipped metabolomics laboratory, metware library provides cutting-edge
metabolomics services through scientific metabolomics test and analysis.
Untargeted Metabolomics
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