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Summary of 3/18/25 6:01 GMT:>> Show Compact View
11/1/24 3:44 GMT
Crude Oil Distillation Plant

Introduction of crude oil distillation plant: Crude oil distillation plant can refine a variety of waste crude oil such as waste tire/plastic oil into diesel and gasoline through vacuum distillation process. Distillation is a chemical process and facility used in oil refineries to distill and refine the crude oil, pyrolysis oil and other kinds of waste oil into new energy such as diesel , gasoline , fuel oil, base oil etc.  The basic principle of oil refining is simple: crude oil is heated so that different fractions can be separated from it by means of distillation. This separation process results in gasoline, aviation fuel, and diesel, as well as heavier fractions, such as heating oil, bunker fuel, and bitumen. Crude oil fractions can also be turned into base oil, which is used to manufacture lubricating oils. Nothing goes to waste – Oil refining uses its resources very wisely Raw material which can be used a. Waste oil .example: waste diesel, waste oil residue etc. b. tire/rubber oil c. plastic oil d. crude oil e. waste engine oil f. waste motor oil g. waste lube oil h. waste transformer oil i. underground oil

Grace Gong
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Shangqiu Sihai Energy Technology Co.,Ltd
East side of Chenfeng Avenue, Developing District
Shangqiu 000000
11/1/24 3:44 GMT
Used Engine Oil Distillation Plant

Introduction of used engine oil distillation plant: Vacuum Pressure Distillation,is the new technology which can refine waste engine oil into diesel or base oil. The oil quality is better than the original normal pressure distillation technology, which show on purity ,transparence, lightness .this technology will do deodorization and destinke process to the raw material oil automatically by "dry type” vacuum pressure distillation method. With the vacuum distillation technology, the distillation temperature is considerably reduced, and the oil output will higher 5%-10% compared with original normal pressure distillation technology. It makes more profits to the enterprise virtually. Waste engien Oil Distillation Process ● The oil pump pumps the waste engine oil into the distillation reactor by oil pump. ● The reactor will be heated by fuel oil, LPG, natural gas, wood or coal, etc and when the temperature reaches to a certain degree, the oil will be boiling and oil steam will be produced. ● The oil steam will be generated and be purified in the distillation tower. ● Purified oil steam will flow to the condensers and get liquefied through them and stored in the product oil tanks.

Grace Gong
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Shangqiu Sihai Energy Technology Co.,Ltd
East side of Chenfeng Avenue, Developing District
Shangqiu 000000
11/1/24 3:43 GMT
Waste Tire/ Rubber Pyrolysis Plant

Working process of waste tire pyrolysis plant: 1. FEEDING (2 HOURS) : Load tires/rubbers into the reactor by automatic hydraulic feeder, after loading all, seal the feeding door.  2. HEATING ( 8~10 HOURS): Start the Waste Rubber Pyrolysis Plant and the reactor will be rotating and heated by fuel. When the temperature reaches the degree of 250 to 280, the oil steam will be continuous produced until the temperature reaches 350-480 C. Oil steam will flow through oil gas separator, light component will enter the condensers and liquified as fuel oil, meanwhile the heavy oil will be discharged automatically into in heavy oil tank. The liquefied part will be condensed as fuel oil, and the part which cannot be liquefied will be transferred by the water seal back to the burning chamber to be reused as heating material. 4. COOLING(4~5HOURS): After the oil producing  process is completed, leave the plant for cooling and waiting for discharge. 5. DISCHARGING(2 HOURS):  Discharge the carbon black automatically and pull out the steel wire finally. Features of Pyrolysis Process Safety: 1. Anti-explosion control: During the pyrolysis process, combustible gas will be generated as fuel gas  for pyrolysis system heating usage. The combustible gas will be filtered through the anti-flashback water seal to  prevent combustible gas from flashing back  to the oil tank and then enter the furnace to be recycled , causing combustion or explosion. 2. Emission Control: 2-phase scrubbers and activated carbon filters to prevent pyrolysis process from releasing  pollutants.  3. PLC control : All motors and gauges of  the equipment are connected to PLC, which can realize mechanical and electronic control. The control cabinet is equipped with an alarm system. When the temperature, pressure, or mechanical abnormalities occur during the operation of the equipment, the control cabinet will automatically alarm.

Grace Gong
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Shangqiu Sihai Energy Technology Co.,Ltd
East side of Chenfeng Avenue, Developing District
Shangqiu 000000
11/1/24 3:42 GMT
Oil Sludge Treatment Pyrolysis Plant

Oil sludge is a complex physico-chemical mixture, consisting of three distinct fractions: water, oil and solid (metals, salts, sand, etc.). As most promising of the presented methods of utilization of oil sludge is pyrolysis, it can refine oil sludge by thermal cracking process which compared with the other methods have a number of significant advantages. Oil sludge (OS) is a common waste in oil field mining, oil transportation, fining, storage and other oil related process which consisting of three distinct fractions: water, oil and solid (metals, salts, sand, etc.).  OS can cause great damage to the environment and threaten human's health if not treated properly. During the drilling process, the oil-containing silt,which brought from replacing the well-drilling and extracting the drive pipe, will be left around the well site. The oil-containing silt that is covered with various sands and sundries, etc., will be piled up more and more before the site is cleaned up or the oily sludge is temporarily piled up for a period of time. The oily sludge comes from the deep drilling strata, and contains a large number of benzene series, phenols, anthracene, pyrene and other odorous toxic substances. It will not only damage the soil or pollute the environment, but also cause the waste of resources if not treated well. Features of Pyrolysis Process Safety: 1. Anti-explosion control: During the pyrolysis process, combustible gas will be generated as fuel gas  for pyrolysis system heating usage. The combustible gas will be filtered through the anti-flashback water seal to  prevent combustible gas from flashing back  to the oil tank and then enter the furnace to be recycled , causing combustion or explosion. 2. Emission Control: 2-phase scrubbers and activated carbon filters to prevent pyrolysis process from releasing  pollutants.  3. PLC control : All motors and gauges of  the Oil Sludge Treatment Pyrolysis Plant are connected to PLC, which can realize mechanical and electronic control. The control cabinet is equipped with an alarm system. When the temperature, pressure, or mechanical abnormalities occur during the operation of the equipment, the control cabinet will automatically alarm.

Grace Gong
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Shangqiu Sihai Energy Technology Co.,Ltd
East side of Chenfeng Avenue, Developing District
Shangqiu 000000
11/1/24 3:41 GMT
Waste Plastic Recycle To Fuel Pyrolysis Plant

Pyrolysis is one of the most promising chemical recycling technologies for plastic recycling , which has the capability to handle also more challenging waste plastic streams. In pyrolysis, the degradation of organic materials takes place under the effect of heat and in the absence of oxygen. Recycling Of Various Waste Plastics: With the development of global industry, the amount of plastic waste in the world has reached a level that threatens the ecology. Landfills are piled up like mountains, and marine plastic waste destroys the ecology. In order to deal with these difficult-to-decompose wastes, plastic pyrolysis oil plants have become an efficient solution, which not only solves the pollution problem, but also turns waste plastics into fuel energy. Features of Pyrolysis Process Safety: 1. Anti-explosion control: During the pyrolysis process, combustible gas will be generated as fuel gas  for pyrolysis system heating usage. The combustible gas will be filtered through the anti-flashback water seal to  prevent combustible gas from flashing back  to the oil tank and then enter the furnace to be recycled , causing combustion or explosion. 2. Emission Control:  The exhaust gas generated during heating the reactor will be purified and cooled down in 2 scrubbers(1 water pond type scrubber and 1 water spray, ceramic ring adsorption and activated carbon absorption type scrubber ). Finally, it will be discharged environmental friendly. 3. PLC control : All motors and gauges of  the equipment are connected to PLC, which can realize mechanical and electronic control. The control cabinet is equipped with an alarm system. When the temperature, pressure, or mechanical abnormalities occur during the operation of the equipment, the control cabinet will automatically alarm.

Grace Gong
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Shangqiu Sihai Energy Technology Co.,Ltd
East side of Chenfeng Avenue, Developing District
Shangqiu 000000
7/4/24 2:08 GMT
Acid Production System

We recommend the combination of ionic liquid desulfurization and industrial sulfuric acid process to treat the lead smelting flue gas to meet the standard emission and produce industrial sulfuric acid. Side-blown furnace flue gas purification: adopt adiabatic evaporation dilute acid cooling process, side-blown furnace flue gas purification into the automatic gas separation system to automatically adjust the amount of gas to be divided, 50% of the flue gas into the composite amine SO2 capture desulfurization system, 50% of the flue gas into one-turn one-suction acid production system RE TECH – the name that is synonymous with innovation, excellence, and sustainability in the field of metallurgy and recycling! Introduction of Main System Flue gas purifying system The flue gas from the side-blown furnace electric dust collector, enters the high efficiency scrubber, contact with the spray liquid to cool down, remove most of the mineral dust and other impurities, enter the packed scrubber tower, the packed scrubber tower to spray liquid scrubbing further dust removal, the temperature is reduced again, the flue gas after the second scrubbing into the automatic gas separation system, 50% of the flue gas into the composite amine SO2 capture desulfurization system, 50% of the flue gas into the flue gas cooling tower, cooling tower to spray liquid scrubbing further dust removal to cool down, then into the two-stage electric mist eliminator to remove acid mist and other impurities before entering the next step of dry suction section.

Liu Wei
0731 85404716

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Hunan RE Technology CO.,LTD
Building.10, Liandong U Valley Industrial Park, Yuelu District
Changsha 410036
7/4/24 2:07 GMT
Battery Crusher System

The standard capacity of this battery crusher and sorting system is 100,000t batteries per year, waste lead batteries (10% acid content) as raw material, the batteries will go through preliminary crushing machine to remove acid, then go to secondary crushing, vibrating screening, hydro-separator, heavy metal removal,water separation. Finally will get the final products lead paste, lead grid, PP plastic and heavy plastic. The plant acid water system is a closed circuit, with pH meter control and discharging system.

Liu Wei
0731 85404716

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Hunan RE Technology CO.,LTD
Building.10, Liandong U Valley Industrial Park, Yuelu District
Changsha 410036
7/4/24 2:06 GMT
Oxygen Enriched Side Blown Furnace

The furnace design of the RE-type oxygen enriched side blown furnace is a result of years of research and development led by the experts of the company from Central South University and nonferrous metallurgy industry. The team behind the design has extensive experience in the non-ferrous metallurgical industry. The very first patent on the oxygen-enriched side-blowing furnace process was obtained by Liu Wei, the founder of the company, in 2014. Since then, the company has been dedicated to continuous innovation and R&D to respond to the changing demands of the industry. The process design and furnace design have been constantly improved, resulting in the acquisition of more than 40 patents. The oxygen enriched side blown furnace plays a vital role in numerous industries, and this particular furnace type has garnered significant attention owing to its outstanding performance. It has proven to be a game-changer, not just in terms of economic benefits but also with regards to environmental protection,energy-saving,efficiency,safety and stability. Its popularity has only soared over the past decade, with newly-built smelters widely incorporating this furnace type. RE TECH – the name that is synonymous with innovation, excellence, and sustainability in the field of metallurgy and recycling! We're proud to be a world-leading furnace manufacturer and an integrated solution provider for comprehensive recycling of non-ferrous metal and safe disposal  of heavy metal hazardous wastes.As a disciplinary company of the Research Institute of Resource Regeneration and Environmental Engineering of CSU, we are established with technological innovation, and also with technological innovation as our corporate mission.

Liu Wei
0731 85404716

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Hunan RE Technology CO.,LTD
Building.10, Liandong U Valley Industrial Park, Yuelu District
Changsha 410036
4/25/23 4:13 GMT
Best ZYD-50 Transformer Oil Filtration, Dehydration and Degassing Machine

1. Double stage high vacuum pumping system: except the rotary vane vacuum pump, this machine is also equipped with a root vacuum pump, so it has faster vacuum-pumping speed and can reach a very good ultimate vacuum. 2. Equipped with JUNSUN specially designed and unique “Horizontal - Vertical Combined Vacuum Tank”, together with advanced degasification and dehydration technology, which can remove gas and water very quickly and effectively. 3. Equipped with high precision three stage oil filtration system, including Primary Filter, Fine Filter 1 and Fine Filter 2, which have gradually increasing precision, the dimensions of filter element are bigger than most of other manufacturers, which can effectively remove mechanical impurities from oil. 4. Equipped with automatic temperature control system, automatic oil level control system, automatic defoaming control system, automatic pressure protection system, which guarantees safe and reliable operation in the long term. 5. Equipped with comprehensive protection mechanism, such as power protection, pressure protection, motor overload protection. If any protection mechanism is triggered, the machine will stop working automatically. 6. Equipped with high efficiency electric heating system, heating the oil uniformly, avoid the deterioration of oil during heating process. 7. This machine is able to operate offline or online at indoor or outdoor. In addition, this machine has a specialized vacuum pumping interface, if equipped with related optional features, it can be also used as independent vacuum pump set to pull vacuum for transformers.

Minimum Order: 1 bags

Andy Zhang
+86 23 88529890
+86 13696443439
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Chongqing Junsun Mechanical & Electrical Co., Ltd
No. 33 Xijiao Road, Jiulongpo District
Chongqing 400050
4/25/23 4:11 GMT
Máquina de tratamiento & purificación de aceite dieléctrico transformadores

1. Double stage high vacuum pumping system: except the rotary vane vacuum pump, this machine is also equipped with a root vacuum pump, so it has faster vacuum-pumping speed and can reach a very good ultimate vacuum. 2. Equipped with JUNSUN specially designed and unique “Horizontal - Vertical Combined Vacuum Tank”, together with advanced degasification and dehydration technology, which can remove gas and water very quickly and effectively. 3. Equipped with high precision three stage oil filtration system, including Primary Filter, Fine Filter 1 and Fine Filter 2, which have gradually increasing precision, the dimensions of filter element are bigger than most of other manufacturers, which can effectively remove mechanical impurities from oil. 4. Equipped with automatic temperature control system, automatic oil level control system, automatic defoaming control system, automatic pressure protection system, which guarantees safe and reliable operation in the long term. 5. Equipped with comprehensive protection mechanism, such as power protection, pressure protection, motor overload protection. If any protection mechanism is triggered, the machine will stop working automatically. 6. Equipped with high efficiency electric heating system, heating the oil uniformly, avoid the deterioration of oil during heating process. 7. This machine is able to operate offline or online at indoor or outdoor. In addition, this machine has a specialized vacuum pumping interface, if equipped with related optional features, it can be also used as independent vacuum pump set to pull vacuum for transformers.

Minimum Order: 1 bags

Andy Zhang
+86 23 88529890
+86 13696443439
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Chongqing Junsun Mechanical & Electrical Co., Ltd
No. 33 Xijiao Road, Jiulongpo District
Chongqing 400050
3/20/23 8:09 GMT
Everbright Air-Cooled Reverse-Acting Incinerator

Everbright Air-cooled Reverse-acting Incinerator Introduction Waste incineration is the most advanced method of waste disposal, which strictly follows environmetal protection and related emssion regulations and standards to generate energy (electricity and heat) used for different purposes by burning waste. Waste can be decreased by 80%-85% in weight and 90%-95% in volume, which is conducive to land saving. Feature Appropriate for municipal solid waste, industrial solid waste, biomass and RDF at medium and relatively high calorific value (1,800~3,000Kcal/kg) Feeding platform is covered with grates to avoid repeated maintenance of casting materials of feeding platform Synchronization of feeding system ensures even feeding Equipped with waste layer adjustment baffle to adjust waste layer thickness according to combustion situation Easy for transportation but longer installation time Easy for operating Treatment Capacity 200~1,000TPD PER LINE Calorific Value 1,800~3,000KCAL/KG Waste Type Municipal Solid Waste, Industrial Solid Waste, Biomass, RDF Grate Type Reverse-acting Applicable Industry Waste Treatment, Waste Management, Waste to Energy, Environmental Protection, Energy Saving, Carbon Reduction Advantage Cost Effectiveness, Lower Consumption and Higher Power Generation Sales Territory China, South-eastern Countries and Part of African Countries (authorized)

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Everbright Environmental Protection Technology and Equipment (Changzhou) Limited
No.9 Changhe Road, Yaoguan Town, Wujin District, Changzhou, Jiangsu, China
Changzhou 213000
2/22/23 4:03 GMT
5000 L/H Transformer Oil Filtration/ Filtering/ Purification Filter Machine

1. Double stage high vacuum pumping system: except the rotary vane vacuum pump, this machine is also equipped with a root vacuum pump, so it has faster vacuum-pumping speed and can reach a very good ultimate vacuum. 2. Equipped with JUNSUN specially designed and unique “Horizontal - Vertical Combined Vacuum Tank”, together with advanced degasification and dehydration technology, which can remove gas and water very quickly and effectively. 3. Equipped with high precision three stage oil filtration system, including Primary Filter, Fine Filter 1 and Fine Filter 2, which have gradually increasing precision, the dimensions of filter element are bigger than most of other manufacturers, which can effectively remove mechanical impurities from oil. 4. Equipped with automatic temperature control system, automatic oil level control system, automatic defoaming control system, automatic pressure protection system, which guarantees safe and reliable operation in the long term. 5. Equipped with comprehensive protection mechanism, such as power protection, pressure protection, motor overload protection. If any protection mechanism is triggered, the machine will stop working automatically. 6. Equipped with high efficiency electric heating system, heating the oil uniformly, avoid the deterioration of oil during heating process. 7. This machine is able to operate offline or online at indoor or outdoor. In addition, this machine has a specialized vacuum pumping interface, if equipped with related optional features, it can be also used as independent vacuum pump set to pull vacuum for transformers. transformer oil purifier, transformer oil purification, transformer oil filtration, transformer oil treatment, transformer oil dehydration, transformer oil regeneration, transformer oil filtering, transformer oil purifying, transformer oil processing, transformer oil reclamation, transformer oil reconditioning, transformer oil handling

Minimum Order: 1 bags

Andy Zhang
+86 23 88529890
+86 13696443439
Send Inquiry
Chongqing Junsun Mechanical & Electrical Co., Ltd
No. 33 Xijiao Road, Jiulongpo District
Chongqing 400050
10/20/22 3:20 GMT
Great Quality 9000 LPH Insulating Transformer Oil Purification & Dehydrator

Type number: DZL-150AB Nominal traffic: 9000L/H Purding Capability: 150L/min Pumping rate: 1080M3/h Extreme vacuum: ≤5Pa Work pressure: ≤0.5MPa Working oil temperature: 0 ~ 80 ℃ Working power supply: 50Hz380V three -phase three lines Heating power: 135kW (control alone in two groups) Total Power: 148KW Running noise: ≤75db (A) Entry/out of oil port flange: DN50 Vacuum interface Frank: DN50 Dimensions: 205 × 195 × 210cm Equipment weight: 1420kg Consecutive working hours: ≥200 hours Average failure working time: ≥5000 hours

Minimum Order: 1 bags

Andy Zhang
+86 23 88529890
+86 13696443439
Send Inquiry
Chongqing Junsun Mechanical & Electrical Co., Ltd
No. 33 Xijiao Road, Jiulongpo District
Chongqing 400050
9/29/22 0:55 GMT
FGB Spherical Plain Bearing GE80ES GE80ES-2RS GE80DO-2RS

FGB (SHANDONG) BEARING MFG CO., LTD. Mr. Leo Jiang Marketing and Sales Director WeChat / Whatsapp: +86-187 6957 2768 E-mail : Which is a Professional R&D, production and sales Spherical Plain Bearing (Joint Bearing) manufacturer in China since 2004. The registered trademark is FGB. Sizes ranges from 20mm~320mm, including phosphate and non phosphate products. - Joint (Beef Eye) Bearings - Maintenance Free Radial Spherical Plain Bearings (GETX) - Maintenance Free Inclined Spherical Plain Bearings (GAC..F) - Maintenance Free Spherical Plain Bearings (GX..F) - Tie Rod Ends (Knuckle Heads) - Maintenance Free Tie Rod Ends (Knuckle Heads) 1. Spherical plain bearings : GE, GEH(GEG), GEZ, GE-C, GE-UK, GEEM, GEEW... 2. Rod ends bearings : GK, GF, GAS, GIHNK, GIHOK, GIHRK-DO... 3. Cylinder earring bearing : SK, SF, SIA, SIQ, SIR, SIRN, SIQG, SFEW... Models:GE80ES GE80ES-2RS GE80DO-2RS ID: 80 mm OD:120 mm Width:55 / 45 mm Weight:2.3 kg GE20UK-2RS / GE20ET-2RS / GE25UK-2RS / GE25ET-2RS / GE30UK-2RS / GE30ET-2RS / GE35UK-2RS / GE35ET-2RS / GE40UK-2RS / GE40ET-2RS / GE45UK-2RS / GE45ET-2RS / GE50UK-2RS / GE50ET-2RS / GE60UK-2RS / GE60ET-2RS / GE70UK-2RS / GE70ET-2RS / GE80UK-2RS / GE80ET-2RS / GE90UK-2RS / GE90ET-2RS / GE100UK-2RS / GE100ET-2RS / GE110UK-2RS / GE110ET-2RS / GE120UK-2RS / GE120ET-2RS / GE140UK-2RS / GE140ET- 2RS / GE160UK-2RS / GE160ET-2RS / GE180UK-2RS / GE180ET-2RS / GE200UK-2RS / GE200ET- 2RS / GE220UK-2RS / GE220ET-2RS / GE240UK-2RS / GE240ET-2RS / GE260UK-2RS / GE260ET- 2RS / GE280UK-2RS / GE280ET-2RS / GE300UK-2RS / GE300ET-2RS / GE320UK-2RS / GE320ET- 2RS / GE340UK-2RS / GE340ET-2RS / GE360UK-2RS / GE360ET-2RS / GE380UK-2RS / GE380ET- 2RS /

Minimum Order: 50

Leo Jiang
Send Inquiry
Bearing Industrial Park,Bachalu Town, Linqing City,, Shandong, 252600, China.
linqing 252600
9/27/22 0:58 GMT

All inert and dangerous materials, including metals, glass, electronic trash, PVC, etc., are removed and recycled as raw materials during hand sorting. The flammable waste fuel is then transferred to buffer storage. At this point, wood, plastics, textiles, and some leftover garbage make up the majority of the waste. Technical Advantages Of Manual Sorting of Waste Room Waste sorting room has an easy-to-maintain simple structure. Waste can be finely sorted by hand. Application Of Manual Waste Sorting Room Material recovery system (MRF) Mechanical biological treatment (MBT) Plastic recycling center Landfill waste sorting plant RDF Production Facility (Refuse Derived Fuel) Search... Operating Principle Of Manual Waste Sorting Room The sorting platform, drop hopper, sorting conveyor, and sorting room are all parts of the manual waste sorting room at Hengchuang. Following preliminary sorting, materials enter the sorting conveyor, where personnel on either side sift the recyclable garbage before tossing it into the drop hopper, where it enters the bin or conveyor below. A fresh air system that is optionally installed in the sorting room can enhance the working conditions for sorting personnel. Q&A Of Manual Waste Sorting Room  What is the Manual Waste Sorting Room? In home, landfill, and industrial trash sorting operations, manual sorting waste room are a typical sorting studio.  Is the Manual Waste Sorting Room Particularly Smelly? A fresh air system can be installed inside the enclosed manual sorting room to enhance the working conditions for manual laborers. There are many waste management equipment manufacturers, if you find to find a reliable manufacturer, please choose us.


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Shandong HENGCHUANG Environmental Technology Co.,
Room 801, office building, No. 1697, Dongfanghong West Road, Xinhu sub district office, Decheng Dist
De Zhou 253000

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