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6/18/21 6:11 GMT
7.5KW 16A AC Servo Drive High Power Servo Motor Drive
Product Description 7.5KW High Power Servo Motor Drive Fast Response Programmable AC Servo Drive 17/23,24Bit Vector Tech. Focus on Servo system for more than 17 years. More Flexible, More Accurate Servo Drive Power Covers 200W-110KW Single/Three Phase 220V/380V Modbus / CanOpen / EtherCAT Location, Speed and Torque Control Mode 2500 line incremental + Hall encoder; 2500 line incremental; 17/23 bit Tamagawa absolute encoder; 24 bit Nikon absolute encoder Products Description Products AC Servo Drive Brand Vector Model No. VEC-VC-01633H-M-E Power 7.5KW Voltage 380V Phase Three Phase Rated Current 16A Communication Protocols Modbus/CANopen/EtherCAT Encoder 2500 line incremental + Hall encoder; 2500 line incremental; 17/23 bit Tamagawa absolute encoder; 24 bit Nikon absolute encoder How is the Servo Drive works? The Location control model, Speed control model and Trogue control model. Voltage Control Mode Single-phase / three-phase full-controlled rectification SVPWM modulation Encoder Encoder Feedback 2500 pulse incremental + Hall encoder; 2500 pulse incremental; 17bit Tamagawa absolute encoder; 23bit Tamagawa absolute encoder; 24bit Nikon absolute encoder; Pulse Command Input Pulse Type Differential input,Open collector Frequency Range Differential input:0-500kHz,pulse width greater than 1us Open collector: 0-300kHz,pulse width greater than 2.5us Pulse Mode pulse + direction; AB pluses; CW+CCW; Analog Input Voltage Range -10V to 10V Input Impedance 10kΩ Maximum Frequency 1.5kHz DI/DO Interface Type NPN/PNP Communication Modbus/CANopen/EtherCAT Position Mode Command Input Method Pulse Command Internal Planning Position > Plan by target position, speed, acceleration and deceleration time > Trapezoidal speed curve > Cubic speed curve > Absolute / relative command mode Instruction Smoothing Mode Low Pass Filtering / Median Filtering Electronic Gear Ratio N/M;(M=1~2147483647,N=1~2147483647) Torque Limit Internal Torque Limit / Analog Torque Limit Feedforward Compensation Speed Feedforward / Torque Feedforward Torque Compensation Fixed Torque Compensation / Analog Torque Compensation / Automatic Torque Compensation; Speed Contol Mode Command Input Type Pulse Frequency / Analog / Internal Planning Speed Speed Control Range 1~max speed Bandwidth 1kHz Torque Limit Internal Torque Limit / Analog Torque Limit Instruction Smoothing Mode Low Pass Filtering / Median Filtering Feedforward Compensation Torque feedforward Torque Compensation Fixed Torque Compensation / Analog Torque Compensation / Automatic Torque Compensation; Torque Control Mode Command Input Type Internal Torque Reference / Analog Control Torque Torque Compensation Fixed Torque Compensation / Analog Torque Compensation / Automatic Torque Compensation; Speed Limit Internal Speed Limit / Analog Speed Limit Contact:
Phone: Fax: Email: ShenZhen Vector Technology Co., Ltd.
Building 13, Maker Town, Liuxian Avenue, Nanshan District, Shenzhen Shenzhen China 9/8/20 8:52 GMT
Two-Phase, Four-Phase Hybrid Stepper Motor Driver DM860H
1. La cabera tecnoloxía de procesamientu dixital de 32 bits; 2. Algoritmu de control avanzáu de conversión d'actual y frecuencia variables; 3. Calor pequeñu, vibración pequeña del motor y operación estable; 4. Construyíu en tecnoloxía de microseparación; 5. Operación estable y baxu ruíu; 6. potencia de parámetros integráu na función de configuración automática; 7. Configuración de subdivisiones (400-51200); 8. Con sobrecarga, sobrevoltaxe, baxo protección de tensión. Minimum Order: 1 bags Contact:
Phone: Fax: Email: Changzhou ACT Motor Co.,Ltd
NO.1 Zhengda Road, Qishuyan Area, changzhou 213000 China 9/8/20 8:50 GMT
Two-Phase, Four-Phase Hybrid Stepper Motor Driver DM856
1. La cabera tecnoloxía de procesamientu dixital de 32 bits; 2. Entrada de señales diferenciales d'aislamientu fotoeléctricu; 3. Brutu de vibración estremamente baxu; 4. Construyíu en tecnoloxía de microseparación; 5. La configuración actual ye conveniente y puede camudase ente 0, 1- 5, 6a; 6. potencia de parámetros integráu na función de configuración automática; 7. Configuración de 7 subdivisiones (400-25600); 8. con sobrecarga, sobrevoltaxe, baxo protección de tensión. Minimum Order: 1 bags Contact:
Phone: Fax: Email: Changzhou ACT Motor Co.,Ltd
NO.1 Zhengda Road, Qishuyan Area, changzhou 213000 China 9/8/20 8:47 GMT
Two-Phase, Four-Phase Hybrid Stepper Motor Driver DM543
El controlador de motor de pasu híbridu Dm542 subdividiu en dos fases adota suministru d'enerxía DC 18-50v, que ye afayadizu pa conducir un motor de pasu híbridu en dos fases de 18-50v con un corriente menor que 4,0a y un diámetru esternu de 42-86mm.Esti controlador usa'l bucle actual del controlador de servidor AC pa remanar la subdivisión. La fluctuación del torque del motor ye mui pequeña, la operación de baxa velocidá ye mui estable, casi ensin vibración y ruíu, y el torque a alta velocidá ye muncho mayor que la d'otra unidá de dos fazes, y la precisión de posición ye alta.Úsase ancho en máquines de gravación, ferramientes CNC, máquines d'empaquetamientu y otru equipu con necesidaes d'alta resolución. Minimum Order: 1 bags Contact:
Phone: Fax: Email: Changzhou ACT Motor Co.,Ltd
NO.1 Zhengda Road, Qishuyan Area, changzhou 213000 China 9/8/20 8:43 GMT
Two-Phase, Four-Phase Hybrid Stepper Motor Driver DM420
Controlador de motor de pasu híbridu de dos fazes Dm420 subdividido, usando suministru d'enerxía DC 12-36v, afayadizu pa conducir 24-36v, corriente menor que 2,0A, diámetru esternu de conductor de motor de pasu híbridu de dos fazes 42-57mm.El controlador adota un bucle actual dixital completu pal control de la subdivisión. El motor tien pequeña fluctuación del torque, operación estable a baxa velocidá, y baxa vibración y ruíu.La velocidá alta puede sacar un torque relativamente altu, alta precisión de posición.Úsase ancho en máquines de grabación, ferramientes CNC, máquines d'empaquetamientu, equipu de tresmisión y otru equipu con necesidaes d'alta resolución. carauterística: 1 control corriente promediu, salida sinusoidal de dos fases de la unidá corriente; 2suministru d'enerxía de DC 12-36v; 3 señales d'aislamientu fotoeléctricu entrada/salida; Tien sobrevoltaxe, baxo tensión, sobrevoltaxe, sobrevoltaxe, faz a faz funciones de protección de cortos circuitos; 5. Subdivisión d'ocho gears y función automática de medio fluxu; 6. Configuración actual de la fase de salida d' ocho gears; 7 tien un terminal d'entrada de señales desconeutáu; 8 velocidá d'aniciu alta, torque d'alta velocidá Minimum Order: 1 bags Contact:
Phone: Fax: Email: Changzhou ACT Motor Co.,Ltd
NO.1 Zhengda Road, Qishuyan Area, changzhou 213000 China 9/8/20 8:41 GMT
Two-Phase, Four-Phase Hybrid Stepper Motor 34HS8450-45
Type: 34HS8450-45 Phase: 2 Body length:80mm Rated voltage: 2.1V Resistance(20 ℃): 0.35± 10%Ω/phase Holding torque: ≥4.5N.cm Rotor Torque: 1400g.c㎡ Step angle: 1.8° Rated curren , t: DC 6.0A/Phase Inductance: 3.6±20%mH/Phase Insulation Class: Class B Minimum Order: 1 bags Contact:
Phone: Fax: Email: Changzhou ACT Motor Co.,Ltd
NO.1 Zhengda Road, Qishuyan Area, changzhou 213000 China 9/8/20 8:40 GMT
Two-Phase, Four-Phase Hybrid Stepper Motor 34HS2460-120
Type: 34HS2460-120 Phase: 2 Body length:126mm Rated voltage: 2.58V Resistance(20 ℃): 0.43± 10%Ω/phase Holding torque: ≥12 N.cm Rotor Torque: 2900g.c㎡ Step angle: 1.8° Rated curren , t: DC 6.0A/Phase Inductance: 5.5±20%mH/Phase Insulation Class: Class B Minimum Order: 1 bags Contact:
Phone: Fax: Email: Changzhou ACT Motor Co.,Ltd
NO.1 Zhengda Road, Qishuyan Area, changzhou 213000 China 9/8/20 8:38 GMT
Two-Phase, Four-Phase Hybrid Stepper Motor 23HS8440-23
Type: 23HS8440-23 Phase: 2 Body length:76mm Rated voltage: 2.4V Resistance(20 ℃): 0.6± 10%Ω/phase Holding torque: ≥1.9 N.cm Rotor Torque: 480g.c㎡ Step angle: 1.8° Rated current , : DC 4.0A/Phase Inductance: 1.8±20%mH/Phase Insulation Class: Class B Minimum Order: 1 bags Contact:
Phone: Fax: Email: Changzhou ACT Motor Co.,Ltd
NO.1 Zhengda Road, Qishuyan Area, changzhou 213000 China 9/8/20 8:37 GMT
Two-Phase, Four-Phase Hybrid Stepper Motor 23HS6440-13
Type: 23HS6440-13 Phase: 2 Body length:56mm Rated voltage: 2V Resistance(20 ℃): 0.5± 10%Ω/phase Holding torque: ≥1.25 N.cm Rotor Torque: 280g.c㎡ Step angle: 1.8° Rated current , : DC 4.0A/Phase Inductance: 1.8±20%mH/Phase Insulation Class: Class B Minimum Order: 1 bags Contact:
Phone: Fax: Email: Changzhou ACT Motor Co.,Ltd
NO.1 Zhengda Road, Qishuyan Area, changzhou 213000 China 9/8/20 8:29 GMT
Two-Phase, Four-Phase Hybrid Stepper Motor 17HS4410-04
Type: 17HS4410-04 Phase: 2 Body length:40mm Rated voltage: 4.2V Resistance(20 ℃): 4.2± 10%Ω/phase Holding torque: ≥0.5 N.cm Rotor Torque: 54g.c㎡ Step angle: 1.8° Rated current: DC 1.0A/Phase Inductance: 8.4±20%mH/Phase Insulation Class: Class B Minimum Order: 1 bags Contact:
Phone: Fax: Email: Changzhou ACT Motor Co.,Ltd
NO.1 Zhengda Road, Qishuyan Area, changzhou 213000 China ![]() SOURCE: Import-Export Bulletin Board (https://www.imexbb.com/)
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