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5/11/21 9:38 GMT
High Performance Thermal Gap Pad-Real Data, No Trick

GLPOLY thermal gap pad has been applied in equipment showd on National Day Parade and EV in four major auto enterprises represented by NIO. For that, we don’t need to falsify parameters. In fact, many thermal pad suppliers provide false data which does not comply with test result. GLPOLY always carried out “seek truth from facts”, focused on heat transfer problem and gave customer the real data. We don’t promise what we can not do. One of our customers selected a thermal gap pad and requested high therma conductivity of 6.0W/mK, thicker thickness. When customer received the offer, they felt the cost is higher than the previous one they used. We still failed to reach agreement over price after repeated communication. As per our experience, the price doesn’t comply with the size of thermal gap pad, we suggested testing the one customer used. When we got the result, we were surprised, the real thermal conductivity is only 1.05W/mK, it was far from the marks on data sheet. Finally, customer selected GLPOLY thermal pad because they found what they really needed. GLPOLY thermal pad has a low silicone content of less than 100ppm, but the peers offered silicone content of more than 500ppm. GLPOLY provides customers with reliable products, without pollution. GLPOLY thermal gap pad features: 1. True data, high performance 2. Silicone content less than 100ppm 3. High reliability proved by the third party GLPOLY thermal pad provides you superior design flexibility for thermal management solution.

Minimum Order: 10 long tons

Lyn Gui

Send Inquiry
Goldlink Tongda Electroncis Co., Ltd
Rm619,Huafengxin'an building, Baoan
Shenzhen 518101
5/11/21 9:37 GMT
Low Thermal Reistance Thermal Gap Pad Improves Heat Transfer

GLPOLY has always marked the major parameters of thermal gap pad (thermal silicone pad), many of the peers will not do this. There are many thermal gap pad manufacturers in China, but just few of them dedicated to improve the performance in regard of technology. Both thermal conductivity and thermal resistance are crucial to performance of thermal gap pad, 2.0W/mK----5.0W/mK of thermal conductivity is enough for thermal management of consumer electronics, most of manufacturer are able to achieve it. Customers often found that when they bought some thermal gap pads with the some thermal conductivity from different suppliers, they will get different test result. Why? Because they only care about thermal conductivity and ignore the other factor----thermal resistance. Most of manufacturers will not mark thermal resistance on data sheet, you can check it out on their website. Why is GLPOLY willing to mark this critical parameter? Because we are confident that our products provides better performance with a lower thermal resistance. The raw materials are imported from Germany and it is reworked in GLPOLY by nanoscale grinder for reducing particle size and optimizing contact between particles. GLPOLY is the only who does this process. Many customers want to find a substitute for foreign brand such as Bergquist, Laird or Fujipoly, but they can’t get similar result even they use similar thermal gap pad. one of our customer engaged in millimeter wave radar had used Laird thermal pad with 5.0W/mK of thermal conductivity which can decrease temperature from 100 degree to 60 degree. They had tried several brand and found no one can meet their requirements. When they found GLPOLY, we provided thermal silicone pad XK-P50 after we learned application detail and promise that all data are real ones from test. After one-week high temperature aging test, temperature remained at 61 degree. Cuntomer felt surprised and satisfied, because GLPOLY is the only who can met their requirements. GLPOLY XK-P50 is soft, wet-out thermal gap pad which features 5.0W/mK of thermal conductivity and 0.21℃in2/W of thermal resistance. This material can fill and wet out interface, decreasing the thermal resistance. GLPOLY thermal interface materials had been used in weapons whhich showed on National Day Parade. DJI, Huawei and UFI had applied GLPOLY thermal interface materials and no quality complaint issued in 5 consecutive years. GLPOLY delivers irresistible quality thermal interface materials helping you design breakthroughs.

Minimum Order: 10 long tons

Lyn Gui

Send Inquiry
Goldlink Tongda Electroncis Co., Ltd
Rm619,Huafengxin'an building, Baoan
Shenzhen 518101
5/11/21 9:37 GMT
GLPOLY Thermal Gap Pad-Low Oil Bleed, Low Thermal Resistance

GLPOLY 8.0W/mK thermal gap pad helps solve heat transfer problem of powerful electronics. Heat is an unavoidable by-product of electronics operation, especially highly integrated powerful electronic devices. Thermal interface materials is a vital factor to improve thermal management of electronics. In the past years, 6.0W/mK or above high thermal conductivity thermal interface materials were provided by foreign suppliers only. In order to reverse this situation, GLPOLY developed 8.0W/mK and 11.0W/mK thermal interface materials, low oil leakage, low siloxane volatiles, it was really far beyond competitors in China. A 3D printer manufacturer in Austria found us from internet, consulting with me about 8.0W/mK thermal gap pad. He found key parameters were satisfied, but he doubted the truth of data because he met many fake products which marked perfect data. We understood customer’s concern about consistency between data and objective test as we had verified competitors’products before. I made a solemn promise that specification was consistent with test results, furthermore, 8.0W/mK thermal gal pad XK-P80 has been applying to medical equipment already since 2015. Customer wanted to test products by himself, result was the best proof. Customer received samples in five days, and accelerated high temperature aging test(at 150C for 500hrs) was scheduled. When customer finished test 20 days later, he imformed me of test result by email: thermal conductivity was 8.05W/mK, siloxane volatile is less than 0.05%, comparing volatile 0.15% of compettitive products, GLPOLY XK-P80 was perfect. GLPOLY XK-P80 is a high performance, conformable thermal gap pad with a thermal conductivity of 8.0W/mK. This material provides a low thermal resistance resulting in lower component temperature and stress, decreasing component failure. GLPOLY thermal interface materials has been applying to automotive electronics, 5G telecom equipment, auto pilot and radar etc., partnering with dJI, NIO Automotive, Leap Motor, LG, DT Mobile and more. GLPOLY thermal interface materials serves top ten of the industrial players, helps you design devices that run cooler and more reliably.

Minimum Order: 10 long tons

Lyn Gui
Send Inquiry
Goldlink Tongda Electroncis Co., Ltd
Rm619,Huafengxin'an building, Baoan
Shenzhen 518101
5/11/21 9:36 GMT
Non-dry Out Non-silicone Thermal Gel Helps Electronics Run Cooler

non-dry out, non-curing non-silicone thermal gel, maybe no one can provide except GLPOLY. In the last several years, few of thermal management engineers would intergrate “non-silicone” thermal interface materials in their application due to less referentical cases, silicone based thermal interface materials were priority. GLPOLY was the first thermal interface materials manufacturer that provided diversified thermal management materials including non-silicone materials in China. Non-silicone thermal gel, for instance, there were few choices for customers at present, some suppliers provided y grease instead of non-silicone thermal gel, socking customers’ interests. One customer wanted to intergrat paste material in camera, siloxane volatiles were not allowed due to concerns of optic component atomization. Also customer requested that thermal gel should be non-dry out, non-curing. Taking all the factors, non-silicone thermal gel would be the best solution. They consulted with many suppliers, but they just collected two samples finally because there was just a few choices on non-silicone thermal gel in the market. GLPOLY XK-GN30 was the third one they selected. All samples would be verified for silicone free and high temperature aging test. Three non-silicone thermal gel were approved by siliocne free test. But huge variations was showed up in the high temperature test at 105C for 1000 hours. The temperature of the devices which competing products applied was out of expectation, when they took apart components, they found the non-silicone thermal gel was dry out. Only the one with GLPOLY XK-GN30 applied performed stable. As our discussion and analysis, the competing products were thermal grease, it would dry out under high temperature. In the next month when we attended a fair, we invited customer to visit out booth and leared more about XK-GN30 non-silicone thermal gel, and finally we established business relationship. GLPOLY non-silicone thermal gel is a high performance gap filling material, designed to eliminate siloxane concerns for precise or optic component intergrated devices. This material is compatible with automated dispense process, accommodating a variety of gap thickness. GLPOLY thermal interface materials has been applying to cosumer electronics, military equipment, medical equipment, drone, automotive electronics and EV battery pack, serving top class customers like LG, dJI, GAC NE, NIO Automotive, DT Mobile and more. GLPOLY thermal interface materials provides considerate service for you.

Minimum Order: 10 long tons

Lyn Gui
Send Inquiry
Goldlink Tongda Electroncis Co., Ltd
Rm619,Huafengxin'an building, Baoan
Shenzhen 518101
5/11/21 9:36 GMT
GLPOLY 6W/mK Thermal Gap Pad Improve 5G Telecom Equipment Heat Transfer

GLPOLY thermal gap pad was applied to 5G telecom station equipment, solving the bottleneck of thermal management development, overtaking world-class brands. In Dec 2018, GLPOLY thermal gap pad XK-P60 had been applied to BD satellite navigation system, its performance and reliability had overtaken Bergquist, Fujipoly etc top brands. At present, this material had been verified by several 5G telecom equipment manufacturers. GLPOLY declaim responsibly:”GLPOLY thermal gap pad XK-P60 has no competitors in sector of 5G telecom equipment thermal management in China, maybe there are two first-class brands of competitors abroad .” At the end of 2019, a Chief engineer, Mr. Yang, from a 5G telecom equipment manufacturing company, contacted me and inquired into 5G telecom equipment thermal management, desperately looking for an appropriate thermal interface materials. I learned that he had tested several products from different suppliers, but no one met his design requirements. Mr Yang drove 200km to our facility discussing with us face to face that very day due to urgent schedule. After further discussing, I recommended XK-P60 thermal gap pad, then we tested some key characteristics on site. Customer was satisfied with the performance, but he wanted to test reliability of XK-P60 with his product assembled, made a comparison among Bergquist and Fujipoly thermal gap pad. I was confident that we had provided XK-P60 as replacement to world-class brands of products before. One year passed, I almost forgot this project. I received Mr. Yang’s call, he told me that performance of XK-P60 thermal gap pad satified their requirements and superceded other competitive products. Now he was pushing trial production. GLPOLY thermal gap pad XK-P60 is a high performance, electrical isolating gap filling material with a thermal conductivity of 6.0W/mK. It is highly conformable to component topography, improving thermal contact to optimize heat transfer. Automated production had been imported to eliminate artificial errot and keep the consistency of production. GLPOLY has collaborated with top-class brands like dJI, GAC New Energy, NIO Automobile, DT Mobile etc, supplying them with superior thermal interface materials to protect their brand reputation for reliability and performance.

Minimum Order: 10 long tons

Lyn Gui
Send Inquiry
Goldlink Tongda Electroncis Co., Ltd
Rm619,Huafengxin'an building, Baoan
Shenzhen 518101
5/11/21 9:35 GMT
5W/mK Thermal Gap Pad Improves Electronics Heat Transfer

GLPOLY high performance thermal gap pad is comparable with Bergquist Gap Pad 5000S35. GLPOLY XK-P50 is a high performance, high compressive rate thermal gap pad, comparable to Bergquist Gap Pad 5000S35, which has been applying to military equipment. It is reality. An Research Institute from Beijing contacted GLPOLY and consulted about a thermal gap pad that could subsitute for Bergquist Gap Pad 5000S35. After reviewing the comparison report, customer asked for some samples for test. Six months later, we received great news, customer told me that XK-P50 thermal gap pad had been verified by High Temperature Aging Test at 150 centigrade for 1000 hours, value of all parameters changed less than 5%. This material had been introduced into supplier system instead of Bergquist Gap Pad 5000S35, it would be applied to military equipment in volume production. This was the first time we had been told that this was a military project. Actually, this was not the first time we competed with Gap Pad 5000S35. Two years ago, we had collaborated with a aerospace equipment company, providing XK-P50 thermal gap pad replacing Bergquist Gap Pad 5000S35. GLPOLY XK-P50 thermal gap pad has the features: 1.Thermal conductivity 5.0W/mK, low thermal resistance 2.Low hardness, conformable to topography of component 3.Proven reliability under extreme temperature cycling GLPOLY has partnered with top class brands such as Freetech Auto Polit, dJI, GAC New Energy Vehicle, NIO Automotive and more, providing superior thermal interface materials for clients to protect their brand reputation for performance and reliability. GLPOLY serves top ten clients in the industries they engaged.

Minimum Order: 10 long tons

Lyn Gui
Send Inquiry
Goldlink Tongda Electroncis Co., Ltd
Rm619,Huafengxin'an building, Baoan
Shenzhen 518101
4/30/21 8:48 GMT
Non-silicone Thermal Gel For Silicone-sensitive Devices

Silicone-free thermal gel, GLPOLY Silicone-free thermal gel contains no silicone, no one else can not make it in China. 1. No Siloxane Volatiles 2. Low thermal resistance 3. 10-year service life We don’t want to scare you or flaunt GLPOLY ourself, that is what it is. Many customers are deceived by peers’ statement of non-silicone. For instance, some peers pursuaded customers to buy non-silicone thermal gel(thermal gap filler) and promise that no silicone contained. Actually, customers can not find problem in two or three months because the siloxane volatiles is not noticeable yet. Problems will come out as time goes, such as atomizing the optical windows or causing broken circuit. GLPOLY non-silicone thermal gel does not contain silicone, because raw material is isolated from silicone content from the origin. Non-silicone raw materials are imported from Germany and Japan. Why can not other manufacturers produce non-silicone thermal gel? Firstly, the raw materials should be isolated, whether in transport or storage. Secondly, production must be isolated too, a silicone product production line never be used for a silicone-free product. because there is always some remain that will pollute non-silicone materials. GLPOLY introduced a special facility to produce silicone-free thermal gel, it is not opened to other production. Most of silicone-free thermal gels are acrylic based, it is different from GLPOLY non-silicone thermal gel which is made from Polyolefin Copolymer. GLPOLY non-silicone thermal gel provides low hardness, low thermal resistance and interface conformability, optimizing heat transfer. One of our UK customer design a thermal silicone gel for LED light. At the beginning, it porforms well, no oil leakage no volatiles. But two months later, there is siloxane volatiles covering the optics. A silicone free solution is needed. After compared with 3M, Bergquist and Fujipoly products, the customer selected GLPOLY silicone-free thermal gel XK-GN20. GLPOLY silicone-free thermal gel XK-GN20 features 2.0W/mK of thermal conductivity, 0.09mm bondline thickness, providing excellent thermal performance. in two months high temperature test, no issues came to the list. GLPOLY became one of customer’s reliable supplier.

Minimum Order: 10 long tons

Send Inquiry
Goldlink Tongda Electroncis Co., Ltd
Rm619,Huafengxin'an building, Baoan
Shenzhen 518101
4/30/21 7:44 GMT
Non-silicone Thermal Gel Performs Under Extreme Temperature

GLPOLY non-silicone thermal gel will not drip off or dry out, no one else can make it in China. Some manufacturers tell that their non-silicone thermal gel will not drip off or dry out, but it did happen based on the feedback from customers. For example, a customer asks “is it real that your non-silicone will not drip off or dry out? Are you bragging”, it is irresponsible of them not to advise the real properties of non-silicone thermal gel. GLPOLY has the courage to promise that the silicone-free thermal gel will not drip off or dry out, providing a 10-year service life. It is not self-leveling and will not flow even in vertical condition, also, it has a excellent higH and low temperature resistance from -40°C--150°C. A customer who engaged in industrial camera wanted to use non-silicone thermal gel to avoid siloxane volatiles, they gathered three silicone-free thermal gels including GLPOLY XK-GN30 for testing. Industrial cameras has a strict requirement on reliability because if necessary, operation will last for several months or one year. Test lasted for three months, two machines went wrong because of high temperature. the engineer took the parts apart and found that these two silicone-free thermal gels were dry out, making heat transfer failure. Finally, the machine which GLPOLY thermal gel was applied in performed properly. High reliability and stability of GLPOLY silicone-free thermal gel rooted in high requirement for quality. The imported raw materials had been improved by GLPOLY R&D team, achieving the balance between thermal performance and physical properties with precise mixture. The production line was controlled and monitored by computer, automated systems eliminated artificial errors, keeping the consistency of product. GLPOLY has been supplying HUAWEI and ZTE with thermal interface materials, morevoer GLPOLY thermal materials has been applied in military in 2019 National Day Parade. Military industry-class thermal materials, what do you worry about? GLPOLY thermal materials provide superior desgin flexibility.

Minimum Order: 10 long tons

Lyn Gui
Send Inquiry
Goldlink Tongda Electroncis Co., Ltd
Rm619,Huafengxin'an building, Baoan
Shenzhen 518101
4/30/21 7:12 GMT
GLPOLY Thermal Pad Provides Similar Performance To Laird Tflex800

Benchmark World Class Brand Only, GLPOLY Thermal Pad XK-P60 Substitutes For Laird Tflex800. GLPOLY thermal materials had been applied to military equipment, this is not coincidence. GLPOLY only benchmarks top brand such as Hankle, Fujipoly, Shinstu, some high performance thermal management materials outperform these top class brands. We serve multiple industries, including civilian and military, land and ocean applications. We are confident that domestic rivals are unqualified to compete with GLPOLY. XK-P60 thermal gap pad is suitable for high performance equipment, industy control devices or medical equipment. XK-P60 is a high thermal performance, gap filling material with a thermal conductivity of 6.0W/mK. It provides excellent dielectric strength of 10kV/mm, high temperature resistance of 200℃ and flammability of UL94 V-0. All of these features are provided by foreign brands only in the past. Before Chinese Spring Festival, We provided samples for an industrial control equipment manufacturer. This customer used Laird Tflex 800 in the past years, but in 2019, Laird released new products and left the user who purchased old model in small batch behind. This customer wanted to find a equivalent product and we knew each other at the Productronicachina Fair. XK-P60 provides similar performance to Laird Tflex 800 from comparison of technical specification. “Can you show me some cases about application?”The customer asked, he wanted to make sure this is a mature product for volume production, we understood.”This material has been applying to Disking intelligent detection equipment, DFV automotive electronics.”the customer decided to test samples. Both of us started testing at the same time including thermal conductivity, flammability, hardness, dielectric strength tensile strength and tear resistance etc 13 items. Both test results were consistent to benchmark Tflex800 and satisfied requirements. GLPOLY high performance thermal management materials exhibit the advantages that rvials lacked, 1.Automated production ensures the consistency of products. 2.Full-inspection, eliminating possibility of output of defective products 3.Spot check carried out in first and final process to prevent from rejected production 4.5 items was implemeted for raw materials check to ensure qualified materials used for production 5.Automated die-cutting machine was introduced for small batch of product 6.Comply with IATF16949 quality management system, far beyond domestic rivals, RoHS compliant GLPOLY has been engaging in thermal management materials for 9 years, solving thermal management problem that rivals could not do for customers. GLPOLY is aiming for surpass top class brand. Currently, no rivals are qualified to compete with GLPOLY in China.

Minimum Order: 10 long tons

Lyn Gui
Send Inquiry
Goldlink Tongda Electroncis Co., Ltd
Rm619,Huafengxin'an building, Baoan
Shenzhen 518101
4/20/21 9:07 GMT
GLPOLY Thermally Conductive Insulator Takes Bergquist Sil-Pad as Benchmark

It sounds easy and simple to make thermally conductive insulator, but there are just two or three high quality thermal insulator manufacturers, GLPOLY is one of them. For many thermal management engineer, Bergquist thermally conductive insulator is preferred, or take it as benchmark even they don’t use it finally. The main raw materials are fiberglass(or PI), silicone oil and thermally conductive powder. it is very simple, isn’t it? but few of manfacturers can make quality thermal insulator with high performance and reliability. There are always some problems, either the low thermal performance or dielectric strength. We are not undervaluing peers, I have experienced that some peers bought thermally conductive insulator from us. GLPOLY is one of the leading expert in the development and production of thermal insulator, taking Bergquist etc as benchmark. A motorized chair mannufacturer consulted us about thermally conductive insulator. They wanted to use a local alternative product to replace Bergquist Sil-Pad 900S, requesting an equivalent of performance or better. The customer had tested many similar samples before and failed each of them, because the temperature rise of chip is 95 degree, exceeding design requirement. Customer is misguided in expecting an higher thermal conductivity. We recommended a thermal insulator XK-F20ST1 with 2.3W/mK, but customer doubted whether the thermal conductivit is high enough, “the thermal conductivity of samples we had tested before were 2.0W/mK, is 2.3W/mK enough?“. Actually, in order to enhance dielectric strength, some suppliers use materials which is detremtal to heat transfer and customer doesn’t know detail. We suggest customer test it first, “the cost high performance thermal matieral is proportional to thermal conductivity, we must consider the necessary of using a higher performance thermal material. If it is unworkable, we’ll provide another high performance product”. Customer accepted our suggestion and tested the 2.3W/mK thermally conductive insulator. Finally, customer was surprised by result, during the entire testing process, the temperature never exceeded 80 degree. Compared with Bergquist Sil-Pad 900S, GLPOLY XK-F20ST1 thermally conductive insulator provided high thermal performance as Sil-Pad 900S does, at the meantime, with a favorable price and shorter lead time. GLPOLY XK-F20ST1 is a high performance, electrical insulation thermally conductive insulator with low thermal impedance 0.22℃in2/W. It has a dielectric voltage of 3.5kV, providing excellent reliability. XK-F20ST1 thermal insulator is one or two sided soft-tack for ease of assembly. The soft natura makes interface contact more fully, optimizing heat transfer. GLPOLY has been providing thermal insulator for DJI and Han’s Laser etc top-class enterprises for several years. GLPOLY help keep you design beakthroughs with complete portfolio of thermal management materials.

Minimum Order: 10 long tons

Lyn Gui
Send Inquiry
Goldlink Tongda Electroncis Co., Ltd
Rm619,Huafengxin'an building, Baoan
Shenzhen 518101
4/20/21 9:05 GMT
GLPOLY Hybrid Thermal and EMI Absorber Alternative To Laird Coolzorb500

There are many thermal management materials manufacturers and EMI absorbing materials manufacturers, but just a few of them who can make a product combining two functions, GLPOLY is one of them. In recent years, with thermal management materials booming, many EMI absorbing materials manufacturers run into the field of thermal management materials, they produced a lot of products, but none of them emerged as a industrial leader. Worldwide, Laird is one of the best suppliers that can provide hybrid thermal and EMI absorbing materials. Though hybrid thermal and EMI absorbing material has been applying in some specific application, GLPOLY had invested plentiful resources to develop hybrid thermal and EMI absorbing materials, launching pad and gel products. A medical equipment manufacturer consulted me about thermal and EMI absorbing materials and gave me a product model,”can you provide Laird coolzorb 500?”. This product provides high thermal performance and EMI absorbing within frequency of 1-70GHz, it is really a wonderful product.”We have our own product and we can provide alternatives.” Customer didn’t believe me, because he had tested many samples that supplied by domestic suppliers, eithher thermal performance or EMI absorbing unsatisfied the requirements. We provided sample XK-J25 for testing, the result will be compared with Laird coolzorb 500’s data, not physical testing. But finally, customer was surprised, thermal performace and EMI absorbing are within tolerance desgined. GLPOLY XK-J25 is a high performance, thermally conductive, EMI absorbing within 1-77GHz gap filler material with thermal conductivity of 2.5W/mK. It features low hardness, high compression, optimizing interface contact and heat transfer. XK-J25 hybrid thermal and EMI absorbing material is designed for high frequency IC chip, telecommunication, medical equipment and millimeter wave radar and more. GLPOLY has been supplying thermal management materials to Huawei, NIO and GAC, etc. We serve top three of their industry with superior quality.

Minimum Order: 10 long tons

Lyn Gui
Send Inquiry
Goldlink Tongda Electroncis Co., Ltd
Rm619,Huafengxin'an building, Baoan
Shenzhen 518101
4/20/21 9:04 GMT
High Performance Thermal Gel For Robot Thermal Management

GLPOLY XK-G30 is high performance, low thermal impedance thermal gel with a thermal conductivity of 3.0W/mK, it is ideal for AI equipment. Some suppliers marked “for AI product thermal management”on specification and deceived customers with fake data, unfortunately, long-term reliability test will tell the truth. Freetech Auto Pilot, a famous service pilot solution supplier, the engineer consulted us about thermal management materials for autonomous sweeping vehicle. He stated definitely”firstly, thermal conductivity is 3.0W/mK or greater, secondly, 10-year service life”. Most of suppliers failed to satisfy these two requirements. But to GLPOLY, these were not barriers any more, we were not bragging, we showed customer the test of object. Five XK-G30 samples was sent to customer in Beijing, the test will last for one month. During the test, the customer rised another question: can you do aging test at the same when we test it? we want to see wheather the results are consistent. When the test was finished, the result surprised customer, data from two tests were within the tolerance of requirement statement. “GLPOLY XK-G30 is the best we have ever tested, it is alternative to Chomerics THERM-A-GAP GEL30”. GLPOLY intrduced automated production lines, eliminating artificial error and keeping product consistent. It is cartridge package desiged for automated dispensing production, decreasing time consuming hand assembly, reducing labor cost and improving productivity. GLPOLY takes Bergquist, Chomerics and Laird as benchmark, providing quality exceptional performance thermal interface materials and design flexibility.

Lyn Gui
Send Inquiry
Goldlink Tongda Electroncis Co., Ltd
Rm619,Huafengxin'an building, Baoan
Shenzhen 518101
4/20/21 8:19 GMT
High Deflection Thermal Gap Pad For Low Stress Electronics Applications

GLPOLY High Deflection Thermal Gap Pad Performs As Excellent As Laird Tflex HD80000 Does, Looks Second To None GLPOLY XK-P60-Putty substitutes for Laird Tflex HD80000 with high performance and great compression. Variety of thermal gap pad have been manufactured every day, only GLPOLY XK-P60-Putty can substitute for Laird Tflex HD80000 in China. We heard that many suppliers said they can offer alternative to Laird Tflex HD80000 with one or two similar parameter(s), this is misleading. We can not judge its quality by one of the parameters, but a comprehensive performance. Some suppliers offer a so-called qualified part to customers, but they failed the test, that’s why many customers don’t trust local brands and wish to choose Bergquist, Laird or Fujipoly. Last week, one customer asked if we can offer an alternative to Laird Tflex HD80000. This product provides a high performance with a thermal conductivity of 6.0W/mK and hardness of Shore00 40. Actually, it is not too hard to achieve these two parameters individually. So do you think it’s easy to produce such a thermal pad? Actually, it’s not easy. Because you need to have thermal pad meet the two parameters at the same time. As we know, if we make the thermal conductivity higher, we need to fill much more thermally conductive powder, as a result, the hardness increased. That’s contradictory, the value of thermal conductivity is in direct proportion to that of hardness. We need to reverse this, that’s the point. Now GLPOLY XK-P60-Putty is the only that can substitute for Laird Tflex HD80000 with thermal conductivity of 6.0W/mK and hardness of Shore00 40. Raw material of XK-P60-Putty is imported from Germany, and which will be secondary processed in GLPOLY by nano grinder. Particle size will be decreased, making filling and contact better, optimizing heat transfer. At the meantime, less volume of filler will be used achieving lightweight for finished product. Low hardness provides higher compression and low strain, that optimizes interface contact. High deflection will decrease strain avoiding possibility of destroying PCB. GLPOLY XK-P60-Putty has been used in military equipment in 2019 National Parade, and we are a qualified supplier to Huawei, ZTE and DJI. GLPOLY thermal materials help you design breakthroughs.

Minimum Order: 10 long tons

Lyn Gui
Send Inquiry
Goldlink Tongda Electroncis Co., Ltd
Rm619,Huafengxin'an building, Baoan
Shenzhen 518101
4/20/21 8:18 GMT
GLPOLY Thermal Gap Pad--Exceptional Thermal Performance and Cost-effective

XK-P20, one of the best of thermal gap pad, GLPOLY is always expecting your return. GLPOLY XK-P20 is one of the best thermal gap pads with thermal conductivity 1.5-2.5W/mK in China, Compex, Wandong Medical Equipment, Detection, DFM etc have designated XK-P20 for their projects. One of the advantages is low silicone oil content that is similar to some top brand such as Shintsu TC-A series, Fujipoly GR-25A and Parker 579. Compared with other products, low silicone oil content is not the only adavantage we have. Recently, GLPOLY makes a comparison between similar product GLPOLY XK-P20 and a competitor’s for aging test. After aging test, change of properties data is within 10% and part still performs well, change of data of competing part is up to 42%. Last week, a customer came to us and asked to provide an alternative to Fujipoly GR25, requesting a hardness of Shore00 40 especially. We recommended GLPOLY XK-P20 by data comparison, but we still lost this customer. Why? These two products are equivalent, we lost he because another supplier offered half of our price. That is unbelievable, I never heard of such a low price. We replied, 1. GLPOLY materials have been applying in military equipments, we don’t need to offer inflated price 2. Taking Fujipoly GR25 as benchmark, GLPOLY offered a favorable price than imported products’ 3. We suggest you to visit this supplier, I’m sure he is unqualified 4. GLPOLY is IATF16949 certified, and provides XK-P20 for multiple industries including automotive, medical, industrial control and rail transit. We don’t mind customer choosing other products, but we are expecting their return. As a matter of fact, this customer did not place an order with that supplier who offered half of our price. GLPOLY is always expecting your return, providing you with excellent products.

Minimum Order: 10 long tons

Lyn Gui
Send Inquiry
Goldlink Tongda Electroncis Co., Ltd
Rm619,Huafengxin'an building, Baoan
Shenzhen 518101
4/1/21 9:45 GMT
GLPOLY 4.5W/mK Thermal Silicone Pad Designed For UVC LED

UVC LED thermal material—GLPOLY XK-P45 thermal gap pad provides you with a better thermal management solution. In this antiviral campaign, each and every antiviral method had bee used for protecting our health. For example, in transportation, UVC LED has been used in flight for killing virus. We expect a boom in UVC LEDs or relative products production or application, so we released a thermal gap pad and thermally conductive adhesive for UVC LED thermal management solution—GLPOLY XK-P45 and XK-D25. XK-P45 is a high performance, eletrically insulation, low hardness thermally conductive gap pad with thermal conductivity of 4.5W/mK. Why do we recommend this thermal gap pad? Killing virus is the major function of UVC LED. It will release large amount of heat in operation, if the heat can not be dissipated rapidly, PCB may be destroyed. Thermal pad XK-P45 is in volume production and has been widely used in industrial computer, monitoring system and AI system. In the statements of these program, the engineers always request a thermal conductivity of 4.5W/mK or higher, because it helps keep device performing at its best. GLPOLY has partnered with dJI, LG, Huawei Marine and Han's Laser etc top-class brands, providng highly reliable thermal interface materials.

Minimum Order: 10 long tons

Lyn Gui
Send Inquiry
Goldlink Tongda Electroncis Co., Ltd
Rm619,Huafengxin'an building, Baoan
Shenzhen 518101

SOURCE: Import-Export Bulletin Board (
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