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Home > Offers to Sell > Gifts, Crafts, Antiques & Decoration > Crafts > Wood Crafts

Contact: Imelda M Liauw
Company: KSL WOOD
Jl. Raya Sumbersuko No.75
Lumajang 67316
Phone: +6282141998440
E-Mail: Send Inquiry Member for over 2 years
Date/Time:  9/17/22 5:44 GMT


Balsa wood is often used as construction material for radio controlled model aircraft and as a core material in composites; for example, the blades of many wind turbines are made partially of balsa. In table tennis paddles, a balsa layer is typically sandwiched between two pieces of thin plywood. Balsa wood is also used in laminates with glass-reinforced plastic (fiberglass) for making high-quality balsa surfboards and the decks and topsides of many types of boats, especially pleasure craft under 30 m (100 ft) in length. Starting with the 5th generation Chevrolet Corvette, the floor pan of the Corvette was composed of balsa sandwiched between two sheets of carbon fiber reinforced plastic.

Compared with common wood, balsa wood is applied to many areas owns to its unique features.
1. Aircraft: used as a laminboard
2. Model: such as plane, boat and car
3. Fishing: fishing buoy
4. Industry: wind blade
5. Sports: such as tennis bat and surf board
6. Art and craft
7. Mould: FRP mould
8. Others: pronunciation board, sculpture, floor board, overlaid board and etc.

We process balsa wood into sheets, sticks and blocks as in many specifications as per customer's request.

Minimum Order: 10000 pieces

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