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Contact: Jeef
Company: Shijiazhuang Guowang Fruits Sales Co., Ltd.
Beilonghua Village, Zhaoxian
Shijiazhuang 051500
Phone: 18000318381
E-Mail: Send Inquiry Member for over 1 year
Date/Time:  11/15/22 6:51 GMT

Red Fragrant Pear/Chinese Fresh Pears

Red Fragrant Pear/Chinese Fresh Pears
Chinese Fragrant Pears are a complex hybrid variety that has been cultivated
for more than 1,300 years in a small province along the silk road in China. The
botanical identity of this small pear was largely unknown until 2001 when
scientists determined that it is, in fact, a hybrid of two European species,
Pyrus communis, an Asian species, Pyrus pyrifolia, and a little-known Chinese
local species, Pyrus armeniacifolia. Also known as Korla Fragrant pears in
reference to the city in the Xinjiang region where they are grown, Fragrant
pears have increased in popularity since their worldwide release in 2006 and
are favored for their bite-size, crunchy, and juicy texture.Chinese Fragrant
Pear is great when eaten as a snack, as well as added to a salad.
Guowang’s Fragrant Pears are a new variety pear and come from the Xinjiang
region of Western China where they have been cultivated for over 1300 years.
Revered by the Chinese for centuries as the finest pear of all varieties, they
are treated like true royalty. They are uniquely shaped, medium-sized, sweet,
juicy, and they offer a crunchy texture. These pears have a floral scent, which
is why they are called Fragrant Pears.They are cultivated in a premium growing
region for optimum flavor and each fruit is carefully hand wrapped in tissue
and foam to protect the surface and ensure a picture perfect pear boasting a
sweet honey-like aroma.Guowang’s Fragrant Pears are hand-selected for
excellent quality. Usually sold ripe and ready to eat, choose Fragrant Pears
that are firm. Once purchased, Fragrant Pears can be stored at room temperature
or in the refrigerator for up to 1 month.
Product name: Hongxiang Pear China Fresh Pearl Pear
Origin: Hebei-zhao County, China
Features: Fruit Long Oval or Fusiform, the average weight of 200 grams per
fruit, the maximum weight of 498 grams, fruit surface clean, smooth, big fruit.
The skin is green and yellow with 2/3 bright red color on the positive side.
The flesh is white and tender with few stone cells. Excellent quality. North
China is ripe in late September and can be stored for 2 ~ 3 months at normal
temperature. This variety has bright appearance, early fruit and high yield.
Strong adaptability, more resistant to pear SCAB, black spot. It is a promising
new variety with red skin, late maturity and storability.
Description: Oval, Green Rind, red, thin rind. White pulp tender and juicy.
Weight: 125-300G
Time of Delivery: Chinese Fragrant Pears are available in the fall through
spring:August to May
Packaging: Carton, pulp tray, each pear with white screen paper and tissue
Specifications: According to customer requirements customized packaging
Character: Oval shape with peel color green and red, very thin skin. The white
flesh is tender, fragrant and succulent.
Red Fragrant Pear/Chinese Fresh Pears
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SOURCE: Import-Export Bulletin Board (
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