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Contact: zhongtai
Company: HeiBei ZhongTai Steel Structure Technology Co.,Ltd
Guantao Economuc Development Zone, Handan City, Heibei Province.
E-Mail: Send Inquiry Member for over 2 years
Date/Time:  10/25/22 2:10 GMT

Prefab Agricultural Buildings

As a classification of mobile housing products, The prefabricated farm
buildings has been widely used in livestock and poultry sheds, barns, grain,
animal feed and other agricultural materials storage. Due to the product
mainly steel square tube and C section steel purlin as the skeleton of the
product so there are certain limitations in the span and height of the single.
But it also has the following advantages:

In factory design and production, the main structure is connected by bolts,
standardized production, accurate component size, a small error.

Mechanized processing, component standards with interchangeability.

The material quality is light, easy to assemble and disassemble.

The manufacturing and installation cycle is short, and the number of rooms can
be reduced or increased without changing any original materials during the
turnover according to the needs of customers in the process of disassembly,
which is convenient for transportation.

Beautiful and durable, the product life of more than 15 years, according to the
cycle of maintenance and replacement, can extend the product life of more than
10 years. One-time investment, high reuse value, low comprehensive use cost.

As a professional steel frame construction supplier, we provide prefabricated
farm shed, prefab agricultural buildings, prefab farm buildings, steel frame
structure building, etc. For more information, please feel free to contact us!
Prefab Agricultural Buildings
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