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Home > Offers to Sell > Food & Beverages > Food Ingredients > Other Food Ingredients

Contact: Xiaofan Liu
Company: Henan Tailijie Biotech Co.,Ltd.
Xiangzi Road, Industrial Park
Mengzhou City 454750
Phone: +86-13462897870
E-Mail: Send Inquiry Member for over 1 year
Date/Time:  10/13/23 4:26 GMT

Polydextrose IV-Granular type

Polydextrose IV-Granular type

Definition: Randomly bonded condensation polymers of glucose with some sorbitol
end-groups, and with citric acid residues attached to the polymers by mono or
diester bonds.

Description: This is a granular type of Polydextrose. It presents irregular
glass-like particles, transparent and light yellow. It is 20-50 mesh with good
liquidity. Polymer content is the same above 90% and easily be dissolved in
water. This granular type can avoid dust pollution during production and

Application Area
-Frozen dairy desserts and mixes
-Baked goods and baking mixes
-Sweet sauces
-Chewing gum
-Salad dressings
-Gelatines, puddings and fillings
-Peanut Spreads
-Confections and frostings
-Fruit spreads
-Hard candy
-Soft candy
-Low-calorie, low-sugar, low-fat foods

Function uses:
Bulking agent, humectant, stabilizer, thickener

Regulations: It belongs to Polydextroses in JECFA(1998) and EU 231/2012.
ADI: Not specified (the safest category allocated by JECFA).

Minimum Order: 1 metric tons

Polydextrose IV-Granular type
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SOURCE: Import-Export Bulletin Board (
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