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Contact: alisa
Company: Astersteroids
United States
E-Mail: Send Inquiry 1st year
Date/Time:  5/24/24 1:37 GMT

Oxymetholone(Anadrol) DHT Steroids Powder Cycle for budybuilding Dosage

Product link to : , l-
steroids-powder-injection-cycle-for-budybuil , ding-dosage-benefit-anadrol-50-
Product Name:Oxymetholonse
Other Name:anapolon;anadrol;anadrol;Anapolon;Anasterone< , br>CAS:434-07-1
EIN , ECS:207-098-6
Appearance:odorless white to creamy white crystalline powder.
Specific optical rotation:+34~ +38°
Usage: a synthetic male hormone (androgen or anabolic steroid) used to treat
a low red blood cell count (anemia). It works by increasing the amount of
the hormone () involved in the production of red blood cells.

Anadrol is derived from Dihydrotestosterone (DHT), belonging to the family
of Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) derived anabolic steroids. This means that
Anadrol is basically Dihydrotestosterone modified. Other compounds belonging
to this ‘DHT family’ of anabolic steroids include Winstrol, Primobolan,
Masteron, Anavar, as well as several others which are all derivatives of the
parent anabolic steroid DHT. The common factor in all of these DHT-
derivative analogues is that, in one way or another, they are all modified
forms of DHT and thus DHT could be considered the ‘parent’ or
‘progenitor’ hormone of these anabolic steroids. Anadrol differs from its
parent hormone DHT by the addition of a methyl group attached to it, as well
as a 2-hydroxymethylene group attached to a carbon in the first cycloalkane
ring of the steroid structure. These modifications allow Anadrol to remain
active in muscle tissue, which is where Dihydrotestosterone would normally
be rendered inactive by its reduction to other metabolites once it enters
muscle tissue. The enzyme responsible for doing this to Dihydrotestosterone,
which is present in large amounts in muscle tissue, is 3-hydroxysteroid
dehydrogenase. With the chemical modifications mentioned, this enzyme does
not interact with Anadrol. This allows Anadrol to be heavily active in
muscle tissue, and lends to its very strong potency. Anadrol possesses an
anabolic rating of 320 (a little more than 3 times the strength of
Testosterone, with its anabolic rating of 100). It has also been determined
that Anadrol also possesses reduced androgenic strength compared to that of
Testosterone, where Anadrol holds an androgenic rating of 45 (compared to
Testosterone’s androgenic rating of 100)

Minimum Order: 10 grams

Oxymetholone(Anadrol) DHT Steroids Powder Cycle for budybuilding Dosage
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