Import-Export Bulletin Board Hunan RE Technology CO.,LTD Logo

Home > Offers to Sell > Environment & Recycling > Waste Management > Recycling Machinery

Contact: Liu Wei
Company: Hunan RE Technology CO.,LTD
Building.10, Liandong U Valley Industrial Park, Yuelu District
Changsha 410036
Phone: 0731 85404716
E-Mail: Send Inquiry NEW MEMBER
Date/Time:  7/4/24 2:06 GMT

Oxygen Enriched Side Blown Furnace

The furnace design of the RE-type oxygen enriched side blown furnace is a
result of years of research and development led by the experts of the company
from Central South University and nonferrous metallurgy industry. The team
behind the design has extensive experience in the non-ferrous metallurgical
industry. The very first patent on the oxygen-enriched side-blowing furnace
process was obtained by Liu Wei, the founder of the company, in 2014. Since
then, the company has been dedicated to continuous innovation and R&D to
respond to the changing demands of the industry. The process design and furnace
design have been constantly improved, resulting in the acquisition of more than
40 patents.

The oxygen enriched side blown furnace plays a vital role in numerous
industries, and this particular furnace type has garnered significant attention
owing to its outstanding performance. It has proven to be a game-changer, not
just in terms of economic benefits but also with regards to environmental
protection,energy-saving,efficiency,safety and stability. Its popularity has
only soared over the past decade, with newly-built smelters widely
incorporating this furnace type.

RE TECH – the name that is synonymous with innovation, excellence, and
sustainability in the field of metallurgy and recycling! We're proud to be a
world-leading furnace manufacturer and an integrated solution provider for
comprehensive recycling of non-ferrous metal and safe disposal  of heavy metal
hazardous wastes.As a disciplinary company of the Research Institute of
Resource Regeneration and Environmental Engineering of CSU, we are established
with technological innovation, and also with technological innovation as our
corporate mission.
Oxygen Enriched Side Blown Furnace
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