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Contact: Guowang
Company: Anhui Guowang Eco Technology Ltd.,
Storage, logistics and processing base, Yingquan District, Fuyang City, China
E-Mail: Send Inquiry Member for over 2 years
Date/Time:  10/25/22 6:41 GMT

Mulch And Greenhouse PE Film Washing Machine

According to the statistics of China Urban Environmental Sanitation
Association, my country produces nearly 1 billion tons of garbage every year,
including about 400 million tons of domestic waste, about 500 million tons of
construction waste, and about 10 million tons of kitchen waste. The quantity is
one of the best in the world. With the acceleration of my country's
urbanization process and the improvement of people's living standards, urban
domestic waste is still increasing at a rate of about 5%-8% per year. Garbage
siege is ringing alarm bells for Chinese cities.

Features of Mulch And Greenhouse PE Film Washing Machine
The impact of domestic waste and waste plastics on the ecological environment
cannot be ignored, mainly because of its refractory degradability, which causes
a serious problem of "white pollution", which has attracted great attention
from the environmental protection department.

Domestic waste plastics in domestic waste are mostly classified by complete
sets of sorting equipment, organic matter, inorganic matter and waste plastics.
However, due to the complex composition of waste plastics, it is very difficult
to use, and many processing enterprises still use incineration and landfill,
causing secondary pollution to the environment.

As a professional plastic recycling machine company, and pe film washing line
manufacturer, we provide hdpe washing line, pe pp film washing line, ldpe film
washing line, pe film washing machine, pe film washing line, waste plastic
recycling machine, waste plastic extrusion machine, etc. Want to know more,
contact us.
Mulch And Greenhouse PE Film Washing Machine
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