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Contact: Cao
Company: Shanghai Duote Decoration Materials Co., Ltd
Fangqiang Changliang Industrial Park, Xinfeng Town, Dafeng District
Yancheng 201400
Phone: +86 021 61532641
E-Mail: Send Inquiry 1st year
Date/Time:  8/26/24 1:29 GMT

Luminous Stone Columns

Translucent stone is a high-grade ornamental materials, unique crystal
translucent characteristics, with a bright and pleasing diversity of colors,
will be monotonous and boring plane cleverly transformed into a three-
dimensional visual art, a variety of patterns such as clouds and water,
beautiful and elegant, clean and clear, beautiful, constant, with a transparent
and translucent texture.
Both with natural marble pattern of elegant luxury and modern art style taste,
width, length, high strength, non-radiation, complete varieties of
specifications, both marble, jade natural texture and solid texture, and no
capillary holes, colorful, easy to take care of, fast processing, after
installation, the weight is only natural stone 1/4 or so, can reduce the weight
of the building more substantially, easy to install construction Clean
environment, more advantageous than natural stone. Belong to the green
environmental protection building materials, Translucent stone is today's
construction industry in the fashion of decorative materials.
Luminous Stone Columns
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