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Contact: Chen Li
Company: Kelilong Electron Co.,Ltd
NO.60 Xing Ye Middle Road Fuan Fujian China
Fuan City, Fujian Province 355019
Phone: 18060361699
E-Mail: Send Inquiry 1st year
Date/Time:  3/5/25 6:41 GMT

KL-98081 Champ pH Tester


•Renewable junction

•Easy 1 point manual calibration

•Simple to use


The Champ revolutionized the pH industry by providing non-technical
personnel with a simple, inexpensive solution to accurate pH measurement.

PH 98081 is used by millions of people around the world to monitor pH in
and industrial applications as well as in agriculture, fish farming, food
manufacturing and
quality control, swimming pools and the printing industry.

With a renewable cloth junction, the Champ has an extended life over typical pH
A normal junction clogs with use over time and a typical tester would normally
have to be
thrown away once the junction is too contaminated. PH 98081’s junction is 2 cm
long and
when dirty, can be pulled out to expose a fresh section to effectively renew
the Champ’s life.

Calibration is performed manually at 1 point with a trimmer located on the side
of the tester.


Mea , suring range



Minimum Order: 1 bags

KL-98081 Champ pH Tester
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SOURCE: Import-Export Bulletin Board (
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