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Contact: molly
Company: Zhejiang Bangzhao Electric Co.,Ltd
Building 13-2 Botong Huigu,No.66 Binhai South Four Road,Yueqing Economic Development Zone,Yueqing Ci
Zhejiang 325600
Phone: 8618969760766
E-Mail: Send Inquiry Member for over 1 year
Date/Time:  8/16/23 7:36 GMT

International marine system 3 phase frequency and voltage converter

250kw 350kw 500kw International marine system 3 phase frequency and voltage
stabilizer converter , l/250kw-350kw-500kw-International-
marine-syste , m_1600802841112.html?spm=a2700.shop_index.89.2.7b4 , d7ffbdDv4k6

The BZT series single-phase to three-phase converter, adopted AC-DC-AC
circuit structure and using SPWM modulation control technology, which can
convert ordinary single-phase power to industrial three-phase power. After
through BZT series single-phase to three phase converter power conversion,
the three-phase power output is standard pure sine wave, the harmonic
distortion rate (THD) is less than 2%, totally meet the national standards
of three-phase power quality, applicable to all types of load.

The BZT series single-phase to three-phase converter can solve production
inconvenience because of some areas with the three-phase electric power
restrictions, also solved some user requirements that can’t apply for the
three-phase electric because of space limitation.

Minimum Order: 1 pieces

International marine system 3 phase frequency and voltage converter
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