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Contact: alisa
Company: Astersteroids
United States
E-Mail: Send Inquiry 1st year
Date/Time:  5/31/24 1:50 GMT

High Quality Steroids powder tamoxifen for bodybuilding cycle and dosage

Product link to , rity-
Product Name: Tamoxifen
CAS 54965-24-1
Appeara , nce: white crystalline powder
Purity: 99%
Packing: sample 10g,100g500g,1kg
Storage: Shading, confined preservation
Usage:Applied to the treatment of advanced, recurrent breast cancer and
ovarian cancer.

Tamoxifen is a non steroidal anti estrogen drug, which is widely used in
clinical medicine. This is a selective estrogen receptor modulator (SERM) of
triphenylene series, which has the characteristics of estrogen agonists and
antagonists. Therefore, it can act as estrogen in some tissues and prevent
the role of estrogen in other tissues. Tamoxifen is a potent anti estrogen
in breast tissue, so it is commonly used to treat hormone sensitive breast
cancer in women. In some cases, it is even used as a preventive measure by
women with family members with hereditary tendency of breast cancer. Among
male bodybuilders and athletes, tamoxifen (unmarked) is usually used to
resist the side effects caused by elevated estrogen after the use of some
anabolic / androgen steroids.

The main concern of the sports / bodybuilding population is the emergence of
male and female breast, or the development of very ugly female breast
tissue. The first thing to notice is that there may be swelling or small
lump under the nipple. In the absence of surgery, if allowed to develop, it
may develop into irreversible male breast development. Estrogen can also
lead to an increase in the body's water content, resulting in a significant
loss of muscle that begins to look smooth (or even swell) due to the
retention of subcutaneous fluid. As men's estrogen levels rise, fat storage
may also increase. In fact, the difference in estrogen / androgen ratio is
one of the reasons why women have more body fat percentage and fat
distribution (hip / thigh) than men.

Minimum Order: 10 grams

High Quality Steroids powder tamoxifen for bodybuilding cycle and dosage
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SOURCE: Import-Export Bulletin Board (
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