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Home > Offers to Sell > Industrial Machinery & Equipment > Filters & Boilers > Filters

Contact: Liu Meiyu
Company: Shijiazhuang Futai Environmental Protection Equipm
No. 7, Zhanqian Street, Qiaoxi District
Shijiazhuang 050000
Phone: 86 15832167676
E-Mail: Send Inquiry Member for over 2 years
Date/Time:  10/12/22 3:02 GMT

High Efficiency No Baffle Filter

HEPA filters effectively prevent the spread of airborne pollutants such as
bacteria and viruses.
In general (with some variation allowed depending on factors such as air flow
rate, the physical characteristics of the particles being filtered, and the
engineering details of the overall filter system design, not just filter media
characteristics), HEPA filters capture 0.15 to 0.2 µm size The greatest
difficulty is encountered with particles in the range. HEPA filtration works
mechanically, unlike ionic and ozone treatment technologies, which use negative
ions and ozone gas, respectively. Therefore, the likelihood of possible
pulmonary side effects from using a HEPA purifier is much lower.
To ensure HEPA filters are working effectively, filters should be inspected and
replaced at least every six months in a commercial environment. In residential
environments, these filters can be replaced every two to three years, depending
on general ambient air quality. Failure to replace the HEPA filter in time will
cause it to stress the machine or system and not properly remove airborne
particles. Additionally, depending on the gasket material chosen in the system
design, a clogged HEPA filter can cause substantial bypassing of airflow around
the filter.
What is a HEPA filter?
These moments in high-performance interception, at least all over, or even
changed, don't fully understand the filter. Particulate filter approval - so
commodities should fall into this type of category. It can be said that the
fully functional multifunctional HEPA filter can effectively express 999% of
pathogenic particles.
Medium efficiency filters for clean room, commercial and industrial ventilation
and air conditioning systems
Ventilation and air conditioning systems for high humidity environments
Variable Air Volume Ventilation and Air Conditioning System
Ventilation and air conditioning systems where space is tight
High Efficiency No Baffle Filter
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SOURCE: Import-Export Bulletin Board (
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