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Date/Time:  1/10/23 6:01 GMT

Ferrite Magnets

Ferrite magnets china are permanent magnets made mainly from SrO or BaO and
Fe2O3-- They are electrically insulating so current does not pass through them
due to their extremely high electrical resistance, hence their other name of
Ceramic Magnets. Compared with other permanent magnets, ferrite magnets are
hard and brittle, with lower magnetic energy. However, it is not easy to
demagnetize and corrode, and the production process is simple and inexpensive.
Therefore, ferrite magnets have the highest production volume in the whole
magnet industry and are widely used in other industries.

What Are The Differences Between Hard Magnets and Soft Magnets of Ferrite
Hard Magnets
The ferrite used in permanent magnets is hard ferrite, which has high
coactivity and reminisces after magnetization. Iron oxide and barium carbonate
or strontium carbonate are used to make hard ferrite. Because of their high
coactivity, hard ferrites are not easily demagnetized, which is an important
characteristic of permanent magnets. Hard ferrites can produce magnetic flux
and also have a high magnetic permeability. Hard ferrites, also known as
ceramic magnets, are inexpensive and are commonly used in household products
(e.g. refrigerator magnets).

Soft Magnets
Ferrites used in transformers or electromagnet cores that include nickel; zinc
or manganese compounds have a low coactivity and are generally referred to as
soft ferrites. The low coactivity means that the magnetization strength of the
material can be changed from positive to negative without consuming much energy
(hysteresis), and the high resistivity of the material itself reduces another
source of energy loss: the generation of eddy currents. Due to the low losses
at high frequencies, it is commonly used in the cores of RF transformers and in
the reactors used in switching power supplies.

FAQs About Ferrite Magnets

What are ferrite magnets used for?
Hard ferrites are used to make permanent magnets such as refrigerator magnets,
speakers and small electric motors. Soft ferrites have low interactivity, so
they easily change magnetization, acting as conductors of magnetic fields.

Are ferrite magnets safe?
Magnets are incredibly useful and fun, but they also have danger. Ferrite
magnets can shatter into pieces if you apply force repeatedly. Fragments of the
broken magnet may cause injury to the user or stand.

How do you cut a ferrite magnet?
Ferrite cannot be cut with ordinary tools. However, it is possible to use the
heating ring cutting method. Specifically, a resistance wire is used to form a
ring at the prepared cutting point to form a large temperature difference
through a large current and then quickly cooled.

Souwest Magnetech is a professional ferrite magnet supplier, we provide magnets
material, ferrite ring magnet, ferrite arc magnet, ferrite bar magnets, ferrite
disc magnets, ferrite block magnet, heavy duty magnetic hooks, etc. For ferrite
magnet price or more information, please feel free to contact us!

Minimum Order: 1 pieces

Ferrite Magnets
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SOURCE: Import-Export Bulletin Board (
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