Import-Export Bulletin Board Tianjin Tanggu TWT Valve Co., Ltd. Logo

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Contact: Zhang karen
Company: Tianjin Tanggu TWT Valve Co., Ltd.
Jinjiang Road, Tanggu, Binhai New Area
Tianjin 300451
Phone: 15922069608
Fax: 8602265728888
E-Mail: Send Inquiry Member for over 1 year
Date/Time:  3/12/25 8:51 GMT

eccentric butterfly valve supplier

An eccentric butterfly valve functions in a similar way to a standard butterfly
valve, but with one key difference: the disc (butterfly) is offset from the
center of the valve body.
A standard butterfly valve has a disc that rotates about an axis in the center
of the valve body. This opens and closes the valve in a symmetrical manner.
In an eccentric butterfly valve, the disc rotates about an axis that is offset
from the center of the valve body. This makes the opening and closing motion
The eccentric butterfly valve manufacturer primary purpose of this eccentric
design is to achieve full closure of viscous or sticky fluids that tend to hang
up in the valve seat area. Since the disc does not center perfectly over the
seat when fully closed, it helps squeeze out any trapped material.
SOURCE: Import-Export Bulletin Board (
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