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Contact: Angelina
Company: Linture Technology Co.,Ltd
No.0506 , Block B ,Gemini Building , Jiangbei , Huicheng Distric
Huizhou 516000
Phone: 18026552038
E-Mail: Send Inquiry Member for over 2 years
Date/Time:  5/26/22 7:35 GMT

DC Motors Fully Closed Self Cooling HG-KR053 Servo Moteur AC For Lettering

Related Informations:

Corresponding Mitsubishi servo amplifier product model: MR-J4-10B、MR-J4-10B-
RJ、MR-J4-10B-RJ010、M , R-J4-10A、MR-J4-10A-RJ、 MR-J4W2-22B、MR-J4W2-44B、MR-
J4W3-222B、MR- , J4W3-444B

Power supply capacity [KVA] (Note 1): 0.3

Continuous characteristics

Rated output [w]: 50

Rated torque [n · M] (Note 3): 0.16

Maximum torque [n · M]: 0.56

Rated speed [R / min]: 3000

Maximum speed [R / min]: 6000

Instantaneous allowable speed [R / min]: 6900

Power at continuous rated torque [kW / S]: 5.63

Rated current [a]: 0.9

Maximum current [a]: 3.2

Regenerative braking frequency (Note 2):

Mr-j4 - [times / minute]: (Note 4)

MR-J4W_- [times / minute]: 2500

Inertia j [* 10 to the - 4th power kg · m square]: 0.0450

Recommended load inertia ratio (Note 1): below 17 times

Speed and position encoder: absolute position and increment share 22bit encoder
(resolution per revolution of servo motor: 4194304pulses / Rev)

Heat resistance grade: 130 (b)

Structure: fully closed self cooling (protection grade: IP65) (Note 2)

Allowable load of shaft

L [mm]:25

Radial [n]: 88

Thrust [n]: 59

Weight: 0.34kg

Hg-kr053 product specification remarks:

1. Ratio of load inertia to motor inertia.

2. Remove the through part of the shaft. With reducer, the reducer part is
about IP44.

3. When the unbalanced torque is generated like a lifting shaft, it is
recommended to control the unbalanced torque within 70% of the rated torque.

4. When decelerating from the rated speed operation state to the stop state, if
the actual torque is within the range of rated torque, there is no limit in the
regeneration frequency.

When decelerating from the maximum speed operation state to the stop state,
there is no limit in the regeneration frequency if the following conditions are

. hg-kr053: the load inertia ratio is less than 8 times, and the actual torque
is within the rated torque range

Minimum Order: 1 pieces

DC Motors Fully Closed Self Cooling HG-KR053 Servo Moteur AC For Lettering
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