Home > Offers to Sell > Automotive, Vehicles & Transportation > Auto Parts & Tools > Auto Engine
Contact: |
doneydiesel |
Company: |
China Lutong Parts Plant |
DuFeng Industrial Zone HanJiang |
Putian 351111 |
China |
Phone: |
13386901315 |
E-Mail: |
Date/Time: |
12/22/24 6:00 GMT |
Common Rail Injector Valve Assembly FOOV CO1 052
Common Rail Injector Valve Assembly FOOV CO1 052 #Diesel VE Pump 22100-1C050# #Diesel VE Pump 294000-0355# #Diesel VE Pump 4G33T-180001Q# #Diesel VE Pump 4L68-180031K#
Wha/tsa/pp:+8-6-1-3-3 , -8-6-9-0-1-3-1-5 doney(at)china-lutong (dot) net
China Lutong Parts Plant is a famous manufacturer and supplier specializing in diesel engine
parts.We have 30 years experience in this area.Our aim and business policy is to give the
customer a reliable quality product and service, alternative to the OE products. The parts are
quality assured to ISO9001 and are subject to regular internal and external audits ensuring
that quality is the highest standard.
Minimum Order: 6 pieces
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SOURCE: Import-Export Bulletin Board (https://www.imexbb.com/)
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