Import-Export Bulletin Board Qingdao QY Liquid Crystal Co., Ltd Logo

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Contact: judy
Company: Qingdao QY Liquid Crystal Co., Ltd
Zhengyang raod 196
qingdao/shandong 266000
Phone: 0086-532-85827353
Fax: 0086-532-85827353
E-Mail: Send Inquiry 1st year
Date/Time:  12/12/24 1:48 GMT

China qingdao factory liquid crystals with high temperature

China qingdao factory liquid crystals with high temperature

liquid crystals with high temperature
Liquid Crystal Mixture QYPDLC-N006 QYPDLC-2170 QYPDLC-HD010 QYPDLC-
Lower Operating Temperature Tkn(C) -20 -30 -30 <-20
Upper Operating Temperature Tni(C) 147 140 150 140
Birefringence(589nm,20C) 0.191 0.24 0.28 0.187
Ordinary Refractive Index (No)(589nm,20C) 1.51 1.523 1.517 1.511
V90,020(V) 2.68 1.65 2.37 2.71
V10,0,20(V) 2.07 2.31 2.93 2.11

More than 18 years of PDLC liquid crystal production experience.
Qingdao QY Liquid Crystal Co., Ltd. is a professional manufacturer and exporter
liquid crystal,PDLC material, liquid crystal monomer,LC single,
Nematic liquid crystal, especially polymer dispersed liquid crystal,PDLC

Minimum Order: 20 grams

SOURCE: Import-Export Bulletin Board (
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