Home > Offers to Sell > Chemicals & Plastics > Plastic Machinery & Parts > Plastic Product Making Machinery
Contact: |
Oscar Huang |
Company: |
Yusha Rd., |
Haikou 570125 |
China |
Phone: |
+86-898-68552497 |
Fax: |
+86-898-68512494 |
E-Mail: |
Date/Time: |
3/1/24 7:10 GMT |
bottle blowing machine and preforms
We supply: Bottle blowing machines and the preforms. Suministramos: máquinas sopladoras de botellas y las preformas. Nous fournissons : Machines de soufflage de bouteilles et préformes. Nós fornecemos: Máquinas de sopro de garrafas e pré-formas. Продаем: выдувную машину для ПЭТ-бутылок. преформы для изготовления бутылок. เราจำหน่าย: เครื่องเป่าขวด PET ขวด, พรีฟอร์มสำหรับขว http://www.kintls.com
Minimum Order: 1 sets
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SOURCE: Import-Export Bulletin Board (https://www.imexbb.com/)
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