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Contact: Marlyn Olivia
Company: Royal Indo Trade
Jl.Jatiwaringin Raya Kel.Jaticempaka. Kec.Pondok Gede
Bekasi 17411
Phone: +6221988783092
E-Mail: Send Inquiry Member for over 2 years
Date/Time:  2/6/23 20:12 GMT

Baby Oil - Doodle Green Tea Telon Oil 60ml & 100ml

DOODLE GREEN TEA BABY OIL for baby children
There are 2 variants:

- 100ml
- 60ml
Product Code: BBO-2899079385
DOODLEOIL WITH GREEN TEA fragrance which is super elegant, the fragrance feels like expensive telon in expensive baby spas.
Can be used daily at home at an economical price, warm, fragrant & anti-mosquito too.
Doodle exclusive telon oil is a telon oil design that every drop contains Oleum Cajuputi, Oleum Anisi, Oleum Cocos, and Oleum Green Tea. Doodle exclusive telon oil develops the cultural traditions of the archipelago's ancestors, taking what is needed without eliminating the existing telon oil tradition and developing with the addition of Oleum Green Tea to adapt to the modern era.
Doodle Exclusive Telon Oil with Green Tea fragrance can:

1. Help relieve flatulence and colds
2. Provides a sense of warmth and comfort to the baby
3. Helps prevent the baby from mosquito bites
4. Gives the luxury of greentea fragrance to your baby.

More Information Please Visit our website official Store ROYAL INDO TRADE for catalog, transaction, full Description, Term and Conditions, best product, or special price.

Minimum Order: 1 pieces

Baby Oil - Doodle Green Tea Telon Oil  60ml & 100ml
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