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Contact: babyhoodgroup
Company: Zhejiang Babyhood Baby Products Co., Ltd.
No.2, Beiyuan Road, Huangyan North Industrial Zone, Taizhou city, Zhejiang province.
Zhejiang 318020
Phone: 0576-81121930
E-Mail: Send Inquiry Member for over 2 years
Date/Time:  1/10/23 2:50 GMT

Baby High Chair

Baby high chair is a chair specially used for baby feeding. It is one of the
special products for babies, which is convenient for baby to eat. Since the
baby learned to sit and stand for six months, their physical development has
made new progress every day. Three meals a day is a major event for his growth.
The high chair for baby helps the baby transition from one-on-one feeding
process to eating with their parent successfully.
Baby High Chair List

The baby high chair is a dining chair that can help the baby eat. It not only
makes it easier for parents to take care of the baby, but also makes it fun for
the baby to eat.
Explain Advantages of Baby High Chair
Cultivate Independence
For infants who can sit well and have no support, using a high chair may allow
them to start feeding themselves early in life. This also makes it easy for you
to let them eat, and to a large extent, c...
Make Feeding Easier
There is a food tray on the high chair, which can put food on it. You can feed
them without letting them walk around.
Make Cleaning Easier
When the baby starts to eat by himself, it may be very confusing. With a high
chair, you can ensure that it is concentrated in one place. Lay a rag or
newspaper under the chair, and the cleaning is ve...
Safety & Security
The high chair is specially designed for infants. They have customized safety
measures for growing babies to ensure their safety.
What Age Do Babies Use High Chair infant care products?
Once babies can sit upright without support, they can sit on high chairs during
development. They must have the ability to look up. Each high chair
manufacturer will provide age advice for each chair. Most people recommend
waiting until the baby is 6 months old before using the high chair. This is a
good starting point, but make sure your baby is ready. After all, each child
develops at a different rate. For safety reasons, you don’t need to rush.
Expert Tips for Choosing the Right Baby High Chair

Cleaning: If you choose a removable dining chair, there will be less debris
left in the chair, which is easier to clean.

Safety: The high chair should use a firm safety belt to prevent injury. And
there is a five point seat belt, which is essential for infants, so it is very
important to ensure that your high chair has these safety functions.

Durability: A high chair needs to be used for at least two years, so you must
choose a durable high chair. The high chair should also be strong enough not to
overturn easily.

Size: If you want to put a high chair in a small space, you can consider buying
a high chair that can be folded up for storage when not in use.

Minimum Order: 100 pieces

Baby High Chair
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SOURCE: Import-Export Bulletin Board (
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