Import-Export Bulletin Board Tangshan Finely Animal Care Co.,ltd Logo

Home > Offers to Sell > Agriculture > Agrochemicals, Feed & Fertilizers

Contact: Alison
Company: Tangshan Finely Animal Care Co.,ltd
21st Rongtong building, Lubei district, Tangshan, Hebei, China
Phone: 86 15031511030
E-Mail: Send Inquiry 1st year
Date/Time:  8/19/24 5:44 GMT

AFELIP-AR to reduce antibiotics in animal feed

AFELIP-AR is a kind of phospholipase that has special targeted activity mainly
act on the phospholipase in phathogenic bacteria cell membrane as substrate.
AFEPLIP-AR is a kind of enzyme protein, it is non-toxic, 100% biodegradable,
and has wide acid and alkaline resistance ability, high temperature resistance
ability, high salt resistance ability.
* AFELIP-AR can directly act on the pathogenic bacteria and lead them to death.
Used in animal feed to replace AGP and used on farm into drinking water to
shorten disease treatment period, less drug residue.

* AFELIP-AR can boost antibiotic’s efficiency, reduce MIC and provide an ideal
solution to superbug bacteria.
* AFELIP-AR can control the virus copy activity.
* AFELIP-AR can stimulate animal’s immunity.

Minimum Order: 1000 kilograms

SOURCE: Import-Export Bulletin Board (
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