3V Gas Cooker Control board with Solenoid Valve 2TBL2-R
3V Gas Cooker Controller with Solenoid Valve Function description
The two poles can ignite separately or simultaneously. If they ignite
simutaneously, they will ignite alternately every 1S.
If the flame is out in ignition time, it can ignite again.
It is with alarm function.
The working signal synchronizes with valve holding signal.
Main technical parameter
Test item Standard Note
Rated operating voltage 3V
Operating voltage range 2-3.3VDC
Ignition frequency 8-15Hz 3V
≥4Hz 2.1V
Ignition distance ≥5mm
Ignition current ≤120mA
Valve open current ≥450mA
Valve holding voltage ≥2.8V
Ignition time 8±1s 3V
Igniiton No. 1 time
Valve keep open time after ignition 0.2±0.1s
Valve open time 0.5±0.1s
Flame detection sensibility 1N4007+15M
Ignition energy ≥1mJ
Ignition cycle ≤400ms
Output hi-voltage ≥12KV with 30pF loading
Ignition pulse width ≥12us
Operating current ≤150mA
Operating ambient humdity <95%
Operating ambient temperature -10~70℃
Storage temperature -20~75℃
Life cycle ABS antiflaming>100,000 cycles
Minimum Order: 500 pieces
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