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Contact: Andy
Company: Beijing Gfuve electronics
Bldg.2-1111, Joy MansionNo.99 Chaoyang North Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing
Beijing 100024
Phone: +86 10 85782698
Fax: +86 10 85781298
E-Mail: Send Inquiry Member for over 2 years
Date/Time:  2/1/24 12:42 GMT

1-6kA AC Flexible Rogowski coil current sensor/ probe FQ-RCTA02 GFUVE

The FQ-RCTA02 rogowski coil flexible current sensor is designed for easy installed
in tight spaces and without the need for dismantling the primary busbar or cables.
It includes a flexible Rogowski coil probe and electronic modules. The signal from
the coil probe can be amplified by the electronic amplifier modules through the
integration processing. The output signal can be directly used in oscilloscope,
digital multimeter or data logger recording instrument. good linearity, easy to
use, measuring large current, 6000A/3V, 600A/3V, 60A/3V or 3000A/3V, 300A/3V,
30A/3V, lower phase shift. In particular, it can be installed in tight spaces,
around cable bundles, around wide or large bus bars, or even wrapped around
irregular shapes. Models range from 1 to 100,000Arms with an accuracy of 1% of
reading. Rated EN 61010, 600V CAT IV, 1000V CAT III. This feature facilitates
positioning the sensor around the conductor, enhances user safety, and alleviates
the drooping effect associated with other flexible sensors.

CE, UL, CNAS mark;
With harmonic measurement;
Frequency 0.1Hz-2MHz Bandwidth;
Conforms to EN 61010, 1000V CAT III;
Measurement range of 1A to 6000A AC;
Low phase shift for power measurement;
High permeability magnetic material core;
Excellent linearity 0.2% for current measurement;
Multi-size are available 

Ambient operating temperature: -30~+80°C 
Ambient storage temperature: -40~+90°C 
Standards safety:EN 61010-1, EN 61010-2-032, EN 61010-2-031, IEC60044-1, &
IEC61869-2, 1000V CAT III
Output terminals: 0.5m cable with Safety BNC plug

Power meter;
Phase angle meter;
Energy sub-meters;
Power load monitoring;
Data logging/recording;
Energy meter calibrator;
Power and harmonic meters;
Power quality analyzer(PQA);
Measuring around cable bundles;
Waveform analysis(oscilloscopes meter);

Minimum Order: 3 pieces

1-6kA AC Flexible Rogowski coil current sensor/ probe FQ-RCTA02 GFUVE
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